Meeting the Genius.

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Chapter Six: Meeting the Genius.
Series: Three.
Episode: Two - Shakespeare Code.
Part: One.

Martha woke slowly the next morning, unaccustomed to the quiet of the TARDIS, it took her a moment to realise why there wasn't any morning light or London traffic drifting through her windows. Before she remembered she'd run away with an alien with a time machine and his sort-of-human-not-girlfriend-companion.

She sat up bleary eyed, she rubbed at her eyes as she tried to focus on her surroundings. As she did so, the lights slowly lit the room in a dim glow, enough for her to see without being too bright for first thing in the morning.

The room they'd found for her was painted in the same shade of blue as her flat, it had shocked her at first and she'd asked Rose how that was possible when the blonde seemed adamant that this was 'her room'. Apparently not only could it travel through time but it was also sentient and telepathic and had known what she'd wanted in a room and had constructed it off of that.

Rose had laughed at her bewildered expression and told her that eventually you got used to it but if she ever heard the Doctor start rambling in alien technobabble that she didn't understand it was best to just nod along or she'd never escape the conversation.

Aside from the colour scheme the room was vastly different from her bedroom back home. The ensuite for starters was far more luxurious than the cupboard sized bathroom back in her apartment. Rose had told her that there should be sleepwear in the wardrobe and her outfit would be washed while she was asleep. Martha didn't ask how that would happen, content to follow Rose's advice and not ask. But there was her outfit from last night draped over the desk chair crease free and fresh smelling. And she didn't know what the mattress was made of but she wanted one for her flat because that was the best night sleep she'd had in... well ever.

Martha pushed herself up, staggering to the bathroom still not completely awake. Fresh faced and dressed she exited her room determined to hunt down the rest of the ship's occupants. But it wasn't until she was standing in the corridor that she realised she had no idea which turnings they'd taken to get here last night. Rose had seemed to lead her down corridors aimlessly while still managing to find the room they needed.

Refusing to let this ruin the good mood she'd woken up in, Martha headed down the corridor she thought they'd taken the night before. But after ten minutes of wandering and opening doors at random - Rose had mentioned that any rooms she wasn't supposed to enter would be locked so not to worry about opening the wrong door - she seemed to be no closer to finding the Doctor or Rose.

"Hey, there you are. We were wondering where you'd gotten to."

She looked up to find Rose standing there with a smile. At Martha's confused face, Rose threw an exasperated sigh at the ceiling but she didn't miss the slight amused smile on her lips.

"She been making you run in circles, has she?"

"Who? How did you find me?"

"The TARDIS. She can move corridors and rooms around. Don't worry she's just playing, you won't ever actually get lost in here. C'mon, come get some breakfast." Rose said simply before turning back the way she came as if the whole thing was completely normal, though Martha, supposed it probably was for her. And if a small wooden box could have a whole world stuffed inside of it and create rooms in under an hour to suit it's inhabitants wants and needs, of course it could also move things around.

"How come we needed to take so many turns last night then?" Martha asked catching up with her.

"She was giving me the time to explain a few things to you as well as wanting to get the room right before you found it."

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