Once More.

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Chapter Eight: Once more.
Three - Gridlock.

Martha and Rose clung to the railings still shaken from their sudden violent departure from Elizabethan London.

"Right then," The Doctor spoke up unperturbed by the rough landing. "Rose Tyler. Off to the medbay with you."

"What on Earth for?" Rose asked, still panting from their recent escape from trouble.

Martha looked similarly perplexed but also seemed to be more concerned with righting her breathing.

"We have no idea what affect the Carrionite's power has on time travellers, even they seemed unsure. You were out for at least half an hour, whereas Martha woke up less than ten minutes later."

Rose went cold from head to toe. She hated the medbay, even more so lately after having spent weeks getting near-constant check ups in there and then almost dying in a hospital. The Doctor was very aware of her less than favorable opinion of the medbay and had to wrestle with her every time, their stubborn streaks were frequently too well matched. And it did happen often, what with her being so jeopardy friendly. He had resigned himself to just patching her up with the sonic for minor injuries but his protectiveness won out over her stubbornness for bigger injuries.

"I don't even understand what happene- wait a minute, they got Martha? How?"

"Some weird witchy poetry to do with your name." Martha answered, waving her off, as if it were no big deal.

Rose really wished she hadn't just waved it off because in doing so, Rose lost any chance at distracting the Doctor from his desire to drag her off to the medbay for a battery of tests and scans.

Rose had just opened her mouth to begin her second rebuttal when Martha stepped in once more. And she decided right then and there that she'd been right, having two geniuses on board was definitely going to drive her mad.

"The Doctor's right, the Carrionites were banished for a reason, we shouldn't just assume that everything's fine. And you did seem to be out for much longer than anyone else. No harm in being sure."

Rose glared at her half-heartedly, the young doctor didn't sound half as convincing as she'd probably intended as she gave a wan smile and shifted uncomfortably on the spot. Likely having realised that the last place Rose wanted to be was in the medbay.

Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm her unnecessary rage - she really did have her mother's temper after all - she tried a different tactic.

"I really am fine, I just need something to eat and a proper night's sleep."

"Yes well, insomnia might be a side effect of the Carrionite's psychic energy."

Logically the Doctor's reasoning sounded completely rational, the only downfall being that Rose knew that it wasn't completely true. She knew it wasn't the force of the psychic attack that left her vulnerable but rather whatever mods the ship had made to her that made her so susceptible. The TARDIS herself had seemed particularly queasy around the Carrionites, it was only logical that it would impact Rose too now.

Obviously she couldn't tell him that, wouldn't even know where to begin even if the TARDIS hadn't warned her against it. It wasn't like she didn't want to either, in those three weeks after meeting Donna she had tried to tell him but every time she'd tried she'd been overcome by a dizzy spell and found that she'd forgotten the information entirely until hours later. The TARDIS' less than subtle attempt at making sure her words were followed.

"Or, the more probable explanation being, Elizabethan mattresses and their lack of comfort. Besides Martha slept fine so it can't be related."

"Psychic energy affects people differently."

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