Inevitably Dead.

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Chapter Ten: Inevitably Dead.
Series: Three.
Episode: Six - The Lazarus Experiment.
Part: Two.

The Doctor turned to face the ceiling and source of the noise. Each crash and subsequent crunch of metal made Rose's head pound and sent her pulse thrumming in anticipation, adrenaline already coursing through her veins.

"He must be breaking through that door. The stairs, come on!" The Doctor instructed them, leading the way.

Rose tried not to think too much about the hideous creature chasing them or the Beast's words from not so long ago as she flew down the stairs after the Doctor. But nonetheless, she did. And of all the ways to die, as a dried-out husk was not something she was looking forward to.

They thundered down the stairs, heels and skirts making it that much more difficult for the girls, the sound of crashing and growling echoing behind them. Used to running in formal attire, Rose wasn't far behind the Doctor but she was glad for her choice in footwear nonetheless.

A crash sounded from above.

"He's inside!" Martha screeched.

"We haven't got much time!" The Doctor shouted back.

They made it to the reception in record time.

"Tish, is there another way out of here?"

"There's an exit in the corner, but it'll be locked now." Tish fluttered.

Rose was impressed with the girl's resolve, despite being massively out of her depth, she was still managing to hold it together. Maybe it ran in the family.

"Martha, setting fifty-four. Hurry." The Doctor tossed the sonic screwdriver to Martha.

The sisters ran off in the direction that Tish had indicated earlier.

"Now what?" Rose asked, panic starting to settle in as she took note of just how many people were in danger.

"We need to get them out." The Doctor said, gazing flickering about the room before landing on the contraption that had started it all, he leapt onto the platform to address the room. "Listen to me! You people are in serious danger! You need to get out of here right now!"

"Don't be ridiculous. The biggest danger here is choking on an olive." A woman in a bejewelled champagne dress argued just as Lazarus crashed into the railing above.

The crowd turned to gape at the monstrosity, frozen in place even as it leapt down onto the reception floor. People finally started moving as Lazarus started flinging tables. Rose tried directing them towards the emergency exit, in an attempt to control the chaos. But panic very rarely followed logic and a stampede of gowns, suits and heels quickly formed, Rose, getting swept up in the process.

Servers had dropped trays of food and drink in their haste to flee from the beast leaving the floor extra slippery for those in heels. Rose was shoved about as the crowd buffeted her to and fro, her attempts to free herself from the throng of people were no match against the fear and hysteria that had gripped them.

As the crowd tried to avoid the tables being flung at them by Lazarus, someone stepped on Rose's TARDIS blue gown as they shunted past her, causing her to skid on a patch of nibbles and go hurtling to the stone-paved floor. Her attempt to break her fall sent shooting pain up her arm and the buzzing in the back of her mind rose to a screeching pitch - that reminded her of old TV static - all of which left her gasping for breath and momentarily disoriented.

But now was not the time to worry about that as she pulled herself to her feet, she caught sight of the Jones', still nowhere near the exit. Ignoring the throbbing pain in her arm and the fading mental static, she dashed over to them just as Leo called out.

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