|10| The Bus Ride and Memories

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Chapter 10– The Bus Ride and Memories

(All the flashback scenes are in italic -except for when the werewolves are listening in on conversations.)

Jacelyn's P.O.V.


"I have to tell you something and please don't freak out."

I walked over to him and placed myself next to him on my bed, "Aiden what's going on?"

"I am so sorry about earlier, I didn't mean for you to get in the middle." He looked down at his hands and played with his fingers. "And I didn't mean for Deucalion to-" he paused.

"To what Aiden?" His eyes never left his hands. "Aiden what's wrong?" I placed my hands on top of his.

"Deucalion he's-" Aiden started. He interlaced our fingers together.

"Hey is everything okay?" Argent walks into my room. "Oh I didn't know you had company."

"What?" A female voice comes from behind him "Really after today you're still talking to him. Unbelievable." Allison storms off towards her room.

"I think I should probably go." Aiden gets up and heads to my balcony doors.

"Maybe you should start using the front door." Argent points down the hall.

"Yeah." Aiden forces a chuckle. He closed to balcony door. "I'll see you later." He gives me a quick hug and leaves.

"Is it true about what Allison said that happened today?" Argent takes Aiden spot next to me.

"I don't know honestly, I didn't see him do anything."

"Well please be careful, you may be a werewolf but I can still hunt him if you want me too." He chuckles.

"I thought you gave that up?" I sarcastically questioned.

"I'll come back just for you." He gives a small laugh. "I should probably let you get some rest." He stands up and pulls me into a hug. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I say as he closes my door.

I changed in a pair of shorts and t-shirt and climbed into my bed. I couldn't get Aiden's words out of my head. "Deucalion he's-" he wasn't able to finish his sentence because of Argent walking in. What was Aiden going to say? What was so important about Deucalion? All I know about him is that he was the demon alpha, and that he kidnapped Boyd, Erica, and found Cora in South America.

I couldn't sleep at all every time I would closed my eyes all the memories of to fire would come flooding back.

"Goodnight my ladybug" he said to me, tucking me into bed. He kissed my forehead and placed our book on my nightstand. "Be good and I'll come back tomorrow night." He snuck back out the window the same way he did every night.

I dozed off with my stuffed animal in my arms. As the moon rose and the stars came out a loud crash coming from the other side of my room.

Orange, red, and yellow flames engulfed my room, heating it up.

"Mommy what's going on?" I frantically look around my room. "Mommy?" I yell, but no one comes. I started to cry as the smoke and flames filled the air.

"Jace? Jacelyn where are you?" A male voice came calling out. "Come on it's not safe. Where are you?"

I stand up in my bed, "I'm over here uncle Peter!" I try to yell over the flames.

Uncle Peter makes his way over to my bed and picks me up. We make our way out of my room to see the rest of the house now in flames. All we could hear was the screams of our family members as they slow burn.

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