|4| The truth

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Chapter 4- The Truth

Jacelyn's P.O.V.


As Allison, Lydia, and I head to the Allison's house I sit oh her bed watching her and Lydia pick a color to paint her walls. "This one it's perfect," Lydia says holding a baby pink colored paper. "Jace that do you think?"

"Um I don't know maybe try a shade of blue," I walk over to where they stand in Allison's room.

"I couldn't agree more," Allison says as she puts her arm next to Lydia's trying to find the right shade of blue. As her shirt slides down her arm reveal a bruise she had gotten earlier in the day from someone who was desperately looking for Scott.

"Allison what happened to your arm?"

"Huh, oh I got it from someone trying to look for Scott. Lydia's got one too." Looking over to Lydia's arm. "Woah, Guys look." She moves her arm closer to Lydia so reveal some sort of symbol on the girl's arm. "What do you think it is?"

"I don't know," Lydia and I say in unison. Again for the second time today. After a few hours Allison and I had taken Lydia back to her house. Allison's dad had told me this morning that I could stay at they house until my brother had came back. So there I was laying in my bed doing my AP math homework that I probably should have gotten done in class. Oops. I heard a short knock on my bedroom door, "Come in."

"Hey, how are you feeling after today?" Argent asked walking into my room.

"I feel better actually, thank you for asking," I say smiling, as I move from laying down to sitting up in my bed, and moving my books so he could sit down also.

"I have to ask you something and promise me that you will answer honestly," Argent was making his was over to sit next to me. I nod.

"I promise."

"Okay then can you please tell me what happened on the night of your parents death?" Argent was looking at me with sad and confusing eyes.

"Where do you want me to begin?" I say looking down at my hands.

"Let's try the beginning."

I take a deep breath and prepare to myself to tell him everything. "We were on our way to our dinner reservation for my 6th birthday, we were laughing having a good time before everything went so bad. My mom was recording everything like she always did, it was her way of remembering all of the good time we had." I now had tears slowly appear in my eyes. "My dad had stopped at a red light before going when it turned green." By now the tears were free flowing down my cheeks, like a steady stream in a river. Argent must have seen me crying because his hand was resting on mine. "When we were halfway through the green light another car had ran their red light driving straight into my side of the car. All I remember was flying out of my seat and lying with my back against the other door. My brother was thrown from the vehicle and my dad had died on impact." My voice had started to crack as I finished the last part. I had to stop a minute to catch my breath from the panic attack I had started to get. I had thought that me a crying teenage girl would scare Argent away, but to my surprise it didn't. He just sat there rubbing my back telling me that it was okay, and that calmed me down a little bit. I continued with the story, "I don't really remember much after that until I woke up in the hospital a little while later. Then a kind nurse had came in to check up on me, not knowing I had woken up yet. But when she saw me she comfort me, before telling me that my parents had died and my brother was in a coma." I could feel my vision start to burr before continuing, I close my eyes and take a deep breath in again before speaking. "I had asked the nurse if I could see my brother, as she took me to see my brother she would stop every once in a while to make sure I was still following her. When we reached my brother room, she told me that I could stay with him until he had woken up. Only minutes after she had left I heard my brothers door open to see an older Japanese lady come in." When I finished my sentence I heard my door open and someone come in. I was Allison, she had tears in her eyes which probably meant she was listening to the story. She made her way over to the desk chair to take a seat on. Which was okay because she probably needed to hear it too. Scott and Stiles were the only ones that new because they were there at the hospital that night. Scott was sitting in a chair across from the desk where he mom was working, while Stiles was sitting right next to him that night waiting for his dad. As I was about to begin again when I heard a faint noise coming from outside my window. I shook my head thinking it was a bird and continuing, "The lady had moved her way over to my side before speaking to me, she had asked if I was the little girl from to accident. When I told her that I was she had given me a sad but confused look. When she spoke up again she told me away that she could save both me and my brother, but only if I didn't tell anyone that she did. She told me that this could either kill us or change us and that it was up to our bodies to decide, but it didn't care as long as it saved my brother. She gave me a sad smile before walking over to my brother when we got to my brother she had bent down closer to him. I had thought that she was just going to whisper something in his ear, but when she made her way over to me her once brown eyes were now a bright blood red color." I had gotten up and started to pace from my bed to the door to stop another panic attack from happening again. I always get panic attacks when I get scared or more recently terrified. "Before I knew it the once nice Japanese lady had bit me, I realized that's why she was bent over my brother, so I raced over to where she one looked over to him. That's when I saw it the same bite I once had, the bite she had given me was already gone. When I looked up to find her she was already gone, but she had left a note on the table next to my brothers bed." I heard a voice coming from my right as I stopped pacing.

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