|2| One Day at a Time

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Chapter 2- One Day at a time

Jacelyn's P.O.V.


"It is not a double date, it is a group thing."

"Do they know it's a group thing, because I told you that I'm not ready to get back out there."

"You were in France and you didn't do any dating for four months"

Allison shrugs her shoulders at Lydias comment, "Did you? I mean after..."

"Do not say his name. Okay?"

I slowly try to retract myself from their conversation, we had finally stop at a traffic light, when a car pulled up. Well actually it wasn't a car at all, I leaned closer to window to see it was a Jeep. But not only a Jeep it was a baby blue Jeep, and I only know of one person who ones a baby blue Jeep.

"Stiles," I mumble

"What was that Jacelyn?" Allison asks looking over her shoulder at me. As she turn her head she also sees Stiles Jeep "OH MY GOD...oh my god...ohmygodohmygodohmygod I can't see him, not now."

"Lydia drive!" I yell at her. I took off seatbelt and leaning forwards to see if Allison is okay.

"But the light is-," she leans over the steering wheel to look at the light.

"JUST DRIVE!" Allison and I yell at her. Allison slumped down in the passenger seat trying not to look over at the other person in Siles Jeep. Lydia shakes her head and steps on the gas sending me flying backwards to the seat.

"OW," I say get sat up properly in my seat before putting my seatbelt back on. As I get re-situated in my seat I couldn't help but over hear Stiles conversation with Scott the other person in Stiles's Jeep.

"Stiles would you stop trying to roll down the window."

They stop tryin to roll the window down and watched us run the red light. Stiles huffs, "you know they probably didn't even see us."

I start laugh at what Stiles had just said. "Wow typical Stiles," I though to myself

Allison lets out a big sigh interrupting my train of thought.

Lydia looks over at Allison,"Hey you alright." Allison slowly nods her head. I lean my head on the headrest and close my eyes. I couldn't help but hear a car engine grumble behind us, I sigh knowing who it probably was is still behind us.

"Guys, um they're still following us."

They both look out their mirrors. Allison says with deep concern in her voice. "Lydia stop I need to go back to talk to him." Lydia stops the car so that Allison could take off her seat belt.

"Are you sure that's a good idea," I say taking off mine as well ready to get out. We all turn around to see that the boys had stopped too.

"Why would they stop." Allison says.

"It's Stiles and Scott do you really want to try to find logic of those two."

I turn around facing the girls when I faintly see something running right towards us, "GUYS." I yell pointing towards where the thing is coming right at us. Within seconds the animal is crash into Lydia's car, glass had shattered everywhere.

"AHHHHHH," we all yell in unison. We continue screaming for a few more seconds before running out of the Lydia's car.

"Are you guys okay?" Scott says running over to Allison.

"Are you guys hurt?" Stiles says making his was over to Lydia.

I start to shake and my breathing starts to pick a little lit, "It just came out of nowhere." I say sliding down the side of Lydia. Stiles looks over at me "Hey Jacelyn you okay?" Making his way over to me. "Hey what's wrong."

"The deer, it just came out of nowhere." Lydia says bending down closer to us. I could hear her heart pounding rapidly.

I could feel the tears start to fall down my cheeks. I bring my knees up to my chest and bury my head into them and cry. Scott and Allison had made their way over to our side of the car.

"What's wrong with her?" Scott questions.

"She's having a panic attack," Stiles said looking up at Scott. Allison bends down next to Stiles and places her hand on my arm. "Guys I think she's scared," she says looking up at them.

"So was the deer," Lydia acknowledges. Scott walks over to the deer to put his hand over the deers heart, "actually it was terrified."

I slowly start controlling my breathing, "I can feel it too, why is it terrified?"

"I don't know."

We all just stood there for a couple of seconds. "It remained you of your parents didn't it," Allison asks as she brings her hands up to my shoulders. I couldn't bring myself to say any words, so I just look up at her and nod. "Hey it's okay," she says wrapping me in a warm hug.

"Thanks Allison."

"Hey what are friends for." She smiles and hugs me tighter.

We all load up in Stiles Jeep after waiting for the police to come get Lydia's car. Stiles gets out to move his seat so Lydia could get out. "Lydia, Jace and I will be at your house at 7:15 so be ready," Alison yells out to her, Lydia just smiles and waves. And then we were off.

"So what time are you picking me up," I question her. "Oh I'm not picking you up," I turn to look at her with a confusing look on my face. "Because you are staying the night."

"What Allison no will be fine staying home alone."

"No you're not staying home alone" she looks at me, "come on your brother hasn't been back since the whole Jackson/Kanima thing,  your like a little sister to me it will be like a sleep over," she states. I smile at her, "okay sounds like fun." Scott and Stiles drops us off at Allison's house and we head up to her apartment.


Allison and I wake up in her bed before we both take turns usually the bathroom to get ready for school. Allison's dad knocks on the door before entering her room. He spots me, "Jacelyn hey didn't know you were staying the night."

"Yeah I told her that she was staying the night because her brother still hasn't made it home yet," she says siting on her bed starting at the wall.

"Well that was very nice of you Allison," he turns his attention to me, "you are welcomed to stay as long as you want, just say the word and the spare bedroom is yours."

"Oh" I smile, "thank you Mr. Argent, I'll head down to the parking garage and wait for you Allison"

"Please just call me Chris or Argent." I nod and make my way towards the elevator.

As I am waking out of the elevator down in the parking garage, when I accidentally bump into a blind man, "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry I didn't mean to bumped into you, I'm so sorry sir, please forgive me, I really didn't mean to bump into you, it's just that I-,"

"Didn't see you," finishing my sentence for me. "It's quite fine dear," the mans says with a smile.

"Are you sure, because I feel really bad, like really bad si-." He cuts me off once again.

"It's fine really, you're okay, I'm okay, so there is no harm done."

"I'm so sorry I was rambling wasn't I, I tend to do that a lot." I say feeling a little queasy.

"Oh no it's fine dear, where are you head in such a rush?"

"Um.....school," I shyly say

"Well then I better let you go then so you aren't late," he smiles towards me, "let's to boys." He's says as Allison runs past him.

"We need to go now.," she grabs my arm to turn me around and heads for her car.

How did you guys like the second chapter?

I hope you guys liked it!

Comment if you have any questions and I will try to answer them!!

***I didn't like the whole plot with her brother. I'm changing it to just where he is like mentioned. 

Thanks, BYE!!

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