|12| Motel California

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Chapter 12— Motel California
(⚠️TW⚠️ Suicide talk. PLEASE don't ever go though it alone. There is always someone there to talk, someone you know or even a complete stranger. Please don't feel like you aren't enough. Because you are to someone special.)

Jacelyn's P.O.V.


Walking off the bus behind Boyd and looking at the place we had to sleep for the night, did not make my body jump for joy. It was quite the opposite.

"I've seen worse." Scott hops off the bus with Stiles, Allison, and Lydia.

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles gives his a rather puzzling look.

Scott was about to answer when Coach blew his whistle yet again. Only this time he had something in his hand.

"Listen up. The Meet's been pushed to tomorrow morning. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment in accepting a group of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be paring up. Choose wisely." Coach finishes his speech and starts handing out room keys to other students.

"Are you rooming with us?" Stiles asked me before it was our turn to grab a key.

"Yeah I can if you want me to."

"And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves." Coach yells as we walk away with our Keys.

Allison and Lydia were going to share a room with each other while Isaac and Boyd did, leaving Scott, Stiles, and I to share one also.

"Are you sure you don't want to share with us." Allison offered one more time was we walked up to the rooms.

"Yeah I'm fine. I will be fine with Scott and Stiles." I tell her turning down the hall following the boys. I lean on the balcony rail as Stiles unlocks the door.

Allison and Lydia turned down the hallway across from us. Both Allison and Scott stop to look at each other before I push Scott into the room.

"Jesus Scotty you'll see her tomorrow."

"Sor...sorry." He mumbled walking over to a bed.

"So which bed do you want?" Stiles claps his hands and moving them over to the beds. There was only two of them and three of us.

"Oh...um... I don't know I probably won't get that much sleep tonight aways so it doesn't matter." I tell him.

"Okay then Scott and I will share and you can take this one." He point to the bed closest to the door.

"Okay." I drop my bag as we all fall down onto a bed.

"I have four." Stiles speaks up after a couple of minutes of watching the ceiling fan spin.

"Four? Four of what?" I looked over to the boys.

"Four? How could you have four suspects?" Scott also looked over to Stiles.

"Suspects? Suspect for what?" I asked.

"Suspects for who are killing for the ritual." Stiles explained.

"Oh and you have four people on that list?" I sat up on my elbows to look at the boys better.

"I originally had 10. I had Derek listed twice." Stiles tried to whisper the last part. Even though I could hear what he said. It's like he forgets that I have supernatural hearing too.

"Derek as in my brother Derek?" He nodded his head. "I'm sorry why would you think it's Derek?"

"I don't know it just seemed like a logical answer." She says up shrugging his shoulders.

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