|9| Choosing a Side

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Chapter 9– Choose a Side

Aiden's P.O.V.


After Ethan and I took off we hid behind a tree waiting for Isaac to find us. He finally remembered who we were. All though I wasn't too thrilled, because that met he'd try to keep Jacelyn away from me. And I didn't like that to much.

Isaac stopped in his tracks trying to find us, but ultimately failed. Ethan runs up behind him and pushes him down a small hill. Isaac tried to get up before Ethan and I taunted him.

"Isaac." My brother said, hidden behind a tree across from me and just enough so that Isaac heard him.

"Isaac." I repeated. Ethan runs past Isaac letting him catch a glimpse of Ethan. "Still thinking about the girl?"

We watched as Isaac frantically looked around to find us as we ran around him.

"You didn't even know her name, did you?" Ethan kept running around.

"Doesn't matter now—"

"Since we ripped the bitch apart."

Isaac finally finds where our voices are coming from, he pushed off of a tree he was leaning on. I grab him then I pull him to the ground. Ethan goes on the other side of him.

"Aiden, I always forget. How many bones in the human body?" Ethan looks from Isaac to me.

I grab Isaac's arm, "I don't know. Let's count." I tightened my grip on Isaac's arm ready to break it as Scott smashes his fist into my jaw.

"That's one." Scott looks Ethan in the eyes. Ethan lets go of Isaac as I move my jaw back in place.

Ethan and I get our claws out as Scott and Isaac do the same. We circle around each other waiting for one to make a move. Before anyone could we hear a scream, only the scream sounded familiar.

"Jacelyn?" Scott, Isaac, and I say glancing at each other before taking off towards the scream.

Scott and Isaac were the first to get to her, Stiles was already hugging her as they made their way to hug her too.

"It's him, isn't it?" Stiles asks Scott as they move away from Jacelyn. I move closer to her before noticing the body it was bad, I had never seen anything like it before.

Jacelyn must had seen me because the next thing I knew, she buried her head into my chest and her arms around my waist as mine were draped around her shoulder pulling her in closer. She was shaking with fear, as if she didn't already have enough on her plate. She just had her world blown up, everything she knew was a lie. We stood in each others arms for what seemed like forever, before Scott came over and pulled her away. Again.


Jacelyn's P.O.V.


Scott, Isaac, and I stood behind Stiles as he talked to his father.

"Dad, look— look at this. It's just like the others." Stiles points to the back of the guys head.

"I know. Now please go back to school. Coach, give us a hand?" Sheriff Stilinski turns his attention from his son to our lacrosse coach.

"You heard him. Nothing to see here here. He was probably just some homeless kid." Coach was trying to get all of us back away from the kid. He look at the body hoping that some how his logic was correct.

"Coach, he was a senior." Scott looks at coach.

"He wasn't on the team, was he?" Coach looked at all of us. We all shook our heads no was a girl cries out from behind us.

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