|6| The Terrible Plan

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Chapter 6–The Terrible Plan

Jacelyn's P.O.V.


After Allison barged into my room, I got dressed to meet her in the kitchen.

"Why did you need my help so early in the morning?" I wasn't fully awake.

"Because I need you help breaking into an abandoned bank." She states put a plate of food in front of me.

"Wait hang on, you need my help to break into an abandoned bank?" She nods her head. "An abandoned bank?" I questioned again.

"Yes. Were you not listening?"

"No I was, I'm just confused why we need to go to an abandoned bank." I reply taking a bite of the eggs that were on my plate.

"Because you remember the mark on mine and Lydia's arm?" I nod in agreement and taking another bite of food. "Well it turns out that it was a symbol to the abandoned bank."

"Why would the bank be abandoned?" I asked as my phone started to ring. "It's Stiles, I gotta take it." She nods as I get up and move to the living room.

"What Stiles."

"We need your help." He replied. I could hear his Jeep in the background.

"With what?"

"We can't tell you over the phone, meet us at Derek. Oh and don't tell anyone." He said before hanging up on his end.

I head back into the kitchen to finish my breakfast before heading over to Derek's loft.

"What did Stiles want?" Allison asked before putting her plate into the sink and turning back towards me.

"He didn't really tell me, he just said to meet him at Derek's."

"Why there?"

"I don't know, I didn't have time to ask before he hung up, but I will be back later to help you." I say getting up and head out the door. I make my way out of the elevator and head down the street towards Derek's loft.


"Okay," Stiles's opens a blueprint designed for the the same bank Allison and I talked about this morning. "You see this?" He points me taps his marker onto the blueprint. "It's a rooftop air conditioning vent, leads down inside into the wall of the vault, which is here." He opens the red marker to circle where the vault was that had Boyd and Erica or whoever was in the vault with Boyd. Stiles continued to tell us how the robbers go into the vault. I didn't really listen, I was too focused on the fact that someone in the room looked very familiar. I couldn't put my finger on why. He just kept looking at me like he knew me and I knew him. Peter always looked familiar, but so did Derek.

"AHH." I look away from the man sitting on the stairs to the three boys across the table we were standing at. Well now two boys Stiles had moved away from the table after Derek had did something. "He could do it" Stiles said trying to hide the pain.

"Do what?" I questioned looking between the two other boys.

"Punch through a wall, weren't you listening?" Derek had asked turning his body from Scott to me.

"No, not really." I faked a smile.

"Of course you never listen," he said with a little laugh.

"I do, just when it's important." I smile at him.

"Right when is that?" He questioned leaning on the table with a smirk on his face, as Stiles made his way back you the table.

"Okay back to the plan." Stiles rubbed his hand.

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