|14| Human Sacrifices

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Chapter 14— Human Sacrifices

Jacelyn's P.O.V.


"Again." A deep male voice yells at me.

"Can't. We. Just. Take. A. Five. Minute. Break.?" I ask between breaths after being thrown onto the ground once again.

"No you're afraid of loosing control, you need to let go and lose control." The same voice tells me.

"You know I don't see what you or Aiden see in her, she's just weak and pathetic." A female voice snarled.

"I'm not weak or pathetic." I say trying to stand up.

"Then prove it. Show me the alpha you really are, show me what makes you so strong." She says as I face her. I start to feel my hands change to claws and my teeth change to fangs.

"Kali I don't think you want to do that." Deucalion warns her.

"I want to rip you in half." She steps closer to me, her feet claws tick on the cement below her feet. "I want show you how a real alpha attacks." Her red eyes shined through the dark warehouse. "I want to ki—,"

She never finished her sentence as I attacked her. I was in full werewolf mood.

I was tired of her throwing me around trying to teach me control. So I punched, kicked, scratched, and threw her into the wall surrounding us. It felt great to finally let loose, to finally be able to do something to someone without having to worry about killing them.

She got in a few good hits, before I started to loose control more and I started to catch fire.

I didn't care who was in front of me all I wanted to do was kill them. And I didn't know why, it was like my body was telling me to kill them.

Kali's body was barely breathing when I turned my attention to the other werewolves in the room.

"Jace?" Aiden voice called out as he stood in front of Deucalion trying to protect his alpha. "Jace control it." He says calmly.

"I can't." I grit through my teeth as I slowly wake towards them.

"Yes you can." Deucalion speaks up behind Aiden.

"Come on Jace I know you can do it." Aiden had changed his eyes as he noticed I wasn't backing down. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Then don't." I lunged at him.

He caught my arms as they tried to claw his face. "What are the three spirals mean on Derek's tattoo?"

"What?" I growl.

"Alpha Beta Omega. Remember? Say the three words." Aiden tries to move out of the way of a kick I send his way. "Come on say it with me."

"Alpha. Beta. Omega." I try to repeat with him. Saying each word slow. I keep repeating the words but they aren't working.

"Deucalion this isn't working, she's getting worse." I hear Aiden say.

My eyes slowly changed from their bright red to an orange glow. My body started to go aflame as everything around goes to a blur.


Aiden's P.O.V.


Watching Jacelyn's eyes change kinda scared me.

"Deucalion?" I wearily asked him as I try to hold Jace up against the wall, without burning. "What do we do?"

"I've never seen anyone more perfect for our pack. Someone so out of control, someone so willing to kill anything in sight." He chuckled, tightening his grin on his walking stick.

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