|3| The Twins

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Chapter 3- The Twins

Jacelyn's P.O.V.


Allison, Lydia, and I were all standing by her locker talking about school. Allison has her locker open standing in front of it, while Lydia and I are standing close by. Lydia is on my left and Allison is on my right we are kinda standing in a triangle/circle formation. Allison and I were looking through our books.

"Freshman....tons and tons of fresh-MEN," looks curiously at all the freshman.

"You mean fresh-BOYS, Lydia they are like 14" Allison says as she puts the books she doesn't need in her locker."

"Eh well some of them are mature than others, if not then Jacelyn can have them," she says proudly looking at me with a smile.


"Come on Jace you can't be a total prune forever," she says putting her hands in my shoulders and gives them a little squeeze. Wait did she seriously call me a prune?She looks over my shoulder, "omg what about him he looks hot," I turn around to see that she is pointing to a guy with long shaggy hair and a red shirt on.

"Um....no thank you," I scrunch up my nose trying to look away from him.

"You know it's okay to be single, to focus on yourself for little while." Allison pronounces.

Lydia sighs and laughs, "Girls, I love you both, but if you both start to do the thing where we all start talking about me, while we are supposed to be talking about the both of you then.........story of my life." We both look at each other then Lydia, we all started to laugh. "But I really don't want a boyfriend, I want a distraction. We all need one."

As she finishes her last sentence we hear both of the school doors open like some kind of a grand ballroom entrance. In come these two great looking dude that either caused you to make your mouth water or your jaw to drop to the floor. I mean these men were extremely gorgeous, and the most handsome men that I had ever seen. As they get closer we can see that they have helmets in their hands. Could they get any hotter? Wait did I really just think that? Of course I didn't right? Right? Oh who am I kidding they are freaking hot!! I'm doing it again aren't I, ranting but only inside my head this time last time I made a complete fool out of myself in front of a blind man. A BLIND MAN I tell you.

With every single step they took somehow the three of us started to tilt our heads to somehow get a better view, of the GREAT VIEW WE WERE ALREADY LOOKING AT. So I didn't mean to yell it just happens from time to time. I was somehow pulled out of the trance we were in.


"Twins," Lydia and I say in unison. We both look at each other like we were on the same page. Out of nowhere I here my name.


I look around to see if anyone was calling my name, but honestly I was really just looking to get a better view of the twins. Oops, I think it again didn't I. Dang it.

"So I'll see you guys at Allison's house later, Right?"

"Yes," they reply in unison. We all head into our separate was to class.


Halfway through my math class I got bored so I decided to roam the halls until class was over with. As I turn the corner of the English classroom I hear a loud thud against something very hard. As I stop to appear in the doorway I see more birds flying towards the window. Only hoping that it would stop it didn't it got worse the birds started to break the window and attack the students. Everyone was terrified, like when the deer hit Lydia's car. Correction I was terrified.

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