|8| Another Day in Beacon Hills

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Chapter 8 – Another Day in Beacon Hills

Jacelyn's P.O.V.


After taking Cora, Boyd, Derek, and Isaac back to Derek's loft Scott gave me a ride back to Allison's house, Argent was already inside with Allison. The whole way there my mind couldn't stop replying the words that Cora spoke to me.

"How do you know me?"

"Because you're my sister."

There's no way that she's my sister, I only have a brother. A terrible one, but only him. My parents never told me I have a sister, then again they died when I was 6. Cora can't be my sister, because she's Derek's sister which would make him my brother too. Right? They can't be my siblings. Right?

"Hey are you okay?" Scott asks as we pull up in front of the the building.

"Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind." I sigh getting off of his bike.

"About what Cora said?" He questioned

"Partly." I nodded.

"What are you thinking about then?"

"My life, everything about me. I thought I was getting the hang of being a supernatural creature. But now I questioned everything that lead us to this moment." I pause looking up at Scott while he just looks at me with nothing to say. "I mean think about it, I don't remember anything that happened before the age of five—"

"Lots of people don't." Scott interrupts me.

"Yeah, but this feels different. My life didn't feel right until I met all of you guys, especially with Derek and surprisingly Peter. Even though he is a psychotic lunatic who killed people." I argued.

"Jace, you didn't have a normal life." Scott puts his hands on my shoulders. "You lost your parents at a young age."

"Did I?"

"Yes, and you almost lost your brother too. If you didn't have someone save his life." He continues.

"Yeah which he hates me for."

"No he doesn't—"

"Yes he does, he basically says it every time he sees me." I interrupted him.

"He just upset." Scott says. "He lost his parents too."

"This just doesn't feel right, and I don't mean with everything that just happened. I mean with my brother and my parents." I look away from Scott with tears forming in my eyes.

"What about them?" Scott moves his hands from my shoulders to his jacket pockets.

"Only Allison and her father know about it." I try to force the tears away.

"Know about what?"

"About the letter I was giving from my mom." I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"The one that died?" He questioned.

"I think she died too. That's why she wrote a letter, probably before she died."

"Oh." He took a long pause. "Do you know who she is?"

"I don't, but maybe Cora and Derek know who she is." I finish before I see someone moving in a bush behind Scott.

"We probably should wait to ask them tomorrow." Scott says.

"Yeah yeah of course." I kept looking at the bush before I saw her face. It was Allison. She put her finger up to her mouth shushing me.

"Is everything okay?" Scott goes to look behind him.

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