|18| Black Blood Means Something is Wrong, Right?

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Chapter 18— Black Blood Means Something is

                                       Wrong, Right?


Jacelyn's P.O.V.


"Jace, Jace we gotta go." Someone tries to shake me.

"Why isn't she waking up?" A more frantic voice called out, and shaking me more.

"Stiles we have to tell Derek." The first voice says, which can only be Scott's.

"Well we can't just leave her, something bad might happen, and I can't lose everyone, Okay?" Stiles rambles. When no one replies to him, he speaks again. "So Jacelyn please you have to wake up, you're like my little annoying sister I can't seem to get rid of." He chuckles. "Just please be okay."

I try to open my eyes to tell him that I was okay and that every thing was fine. But I couldn't move or do anything, all I could do was lay on the ground and listen to my friends talk.

"Stiles, we have to go." Scott nagged again.

"We can't just leave her alone," Stiles pleaded.

"You won't." A new male voice called out from the distance.

The emotions of the room immediately changed from a sad and worried to anger and determination.

"We will make sure nothing else will happen to her." The voice called out again, only the voice sounded slightly different.

"Are you sure she will be okay?" Scott asked.

"What? Scott no. You can't be considering leaving Jace with the twins." Stiles spoke up.

"Stiles we have to make it to Derek before Jennifer does." Scott pauses while shuffling around the room.

"But Scott we can't trust the twins, and as much as I want to tell you I told you so about the twins not being the ones who were killing people. We can't just leave Jacelyn." Stiles had now moved over to where Scott now stood.

Their voices were now just above a whisper.

A warm hand wrapped around my legs and my back, picking me up bridal style. The only thing I remember was the faint smell of chocolate. And there is only one person that I know that smells like chocolate. And then I was out.


Aiden's P.O.V.


Scott and Stiles were still arguing when I made my way over to Jace's lifeless body. The only way I knew the she wasn't dead was the very faint beat of her heart.

Ethan and I made our way out of the school and headed towards our bikes.

"Why do I smell blood?" My twin brother asks out loud.

"I don't know Ethan, maybe it's because there was a teacher that was just murdered by a piano?" I half laugh at him.

"Ha ha very funny. I mean the blood is fresh and close." Ethan takes a deep breath in. "It's coming from you." He stops to look at me.

I stop in my tracks to only look down at the beautiful girl that laid in my arms. I notice the black liquid coming from her mouth, nose, and ears.

"It's not coming from me." I state looking down at Jacelyn. "And it's not regular blood." Ethan moves to look at her face.

Tainted Minds (Aiden Steiner)Where stories live. Discover now