Chapter 7: Sleep Over Plans Changed

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-Ein's POV-

After I was thrown against the wall by my father that's when Kai instantly runs to my side

Kai: "Oh My Irene Ein are you alright"

Ein: *pants heavily* "Ugh...mmph...Yeah I'm fine"

Kai: "HOW!! You were just thrown against a wall and you have bruises"

Ein: "IM FINE"

Kai: "Woah no need to be snappy"

Ein: "I'm sorry my dad just pisses me off"

Kai: "It's fine I can tell"

Ein: "Mmph...Yeah"

Kai: "Also Ein you're burning up again"

Ein: "Ugh...I know side effects of being under control"

Kai: "I can tell your eyes still have a fading away emerald glowing"

Ein: ....

Kai: "let's just go to my house now"

Ein: "Alright"

We started walking downstairs to go to kai's house however as soon as we stepped foot out the door the light killed me and I had a major migraine bending over holding my head making me tear up even


Kai: *rushes to his side and holds him so he doesn't fall* "Woah you alright Ein"


Kai: "Let me guess it's because you finally broke free and your migraine just kicked in but didn't before because we were in the dark of your bedroom"

Ein: "Mmhm"

Kai: "Ya know what how about we just stay here for the night your also really burning up now"

Ein: "But you're parents will worry because in like my dad that actually love you"

Kai: "Don't sweat it my parents won't mind they'll think I just slept over at a friend's house"

Ein: "Alright But you don't have spare clothes"

Kai: "It's fine I'll sleep in my uniform if I have to"

Ein: "I...Aahgh fucking hell"

Kai: "I'm gonna bring you back upstairs to you're bedroom"

Ein: "Mmph...Ok"

He then walks me up to my bedroom and lays me down on my bed he then kisses my forehead

Kai: "I'll be right back Ein"

Ein: "Alright"

I then see him leave the room I decided to get up and change out of my uniform and into my sleeves white and blue hooded hoodie and some blue jeans

After I changed went through my drawers where I keep the bottle of pain killers ever since I started working with Michael and got major migraines from control and took some

After I took them I closed the bottle and put it back in my drawer again then laid back down with an arm over my head

Kai returns a few minutes later with an ice pack wrapped in a towel and a glass of water

The Wolf And His Little Kitty: 💙Ein x Kai🧡 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now