Chapter 11: Aph's Crush On Kai

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-Ein's POV-

I wake up the next morning after the fun night I had with Kai.

Though of course I wake up not feeling very good because I did drink yesterday so yep I was definitely hungover

Of course Kai was already awake as usual Kai was probably downstairs or something maybe he left I mean I wouldn't be surprised I was knocked out for a while

So I just get up and change putting some boxers and  sweat pants on when it hits me "FUCK" and rush to the bathroom throwing up

When I hear Kai come back

Kai: "Morning Babe

Ein: .....

Kai: "Uhh babe"

Ein: "Ugh...I'm up just in the bathroom"

Kai: "You alright"

Ein: "What does it look like to you"

Kai: "I'm gonna guess that's a no"

Ein: "Exactly"

I then feel him come up to me and hug me as I sat there

Kai: "You're hungover aren't you"

Ein: "Yep typical me"

Kai: "Why'd you do it yesterday"

Ein: "You mean drink"

Kai: "Mmhm"

Ein: "Remember I said the werewolves interrupted the date with me and Aphmau breaking my heart"

Kai: "Yeah"

Ein: "Well that's why"

Kai: "I kinda figured since you did sound pretty broken when you called me"

Ein: "Exactly"

Kai: "I'm sorry that happened to you"

Ein: "It's fine this hangover isn't as bad as ones I've gotten before those suck so much"

Kai: "Awww"

Ein: "Yeah"

Kai: "Anyways lets just get you back in bed it's Sunday so I'll stay here to take care of you alright"

Ein: "Ok"

He then helps me back to the bed and lays me down

Kai: "I'll get you some pain killers and nausea medicine if you want"

Ein: "That would be nice"

Kai: "Ok"

He then goes to my drawer I keep the pain killers in and the bathroom the nausea medicine is kept In then brings them back to me as well as a glass of water

I take them and he just snuggles me making me nuzzle into him and fall asleep

-Time Skip To A Few Weeks Later-

-Aphmau's POV-

Ever since I've started to hang out with Kai I had become friends with him. I'm proud to say Kai is probably one of my closest friends I've made.

Though as much as I love hanging out Kai lately something inside me seems to spark every time I'm around him.

Like Lately I've wanted Kai as more than just a friend he was so cute and just so smart. I'm starting to crush on him heck for my art project I drew a cat and when I got to home room and KC looked she said this

Kawaii~Chan: "Huh now that Kawaii~Chan looks at it, it looks a lot like Kai"

Aphmau: *blushes* "What it's just a cat"

The Wolf And His Little Kitty: 💙Ein x Kai🧡 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now