Chapter 10: The Mark And A Boner⚠️🍋Lemon🍋⚠️

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(A/n: oooo hehe if you couldn't tell from the picture I used for the chapter (*cough cough what Ein is saying*) then yes I'm gonna take a shot at writing a gay lemon just remember I'm straight so it might be kinda cringey I'm not use to writing gay lemons it's always straight lemons so this will be interesting and extremely awkward for me but her goes nothing 😉)
(Also before I start can I just take a moment and say that in the picture I love how Jax and Ryder have that face with that look of "What the actual fuck I did not know you were gay or that you had sex so TMI dude I did not need to know that" Tho their faces could be like that because they walked in on Ein and Kai which would give me that look for sure especially the face Jax is doing(the guy on the right of Ein) but idk I doubt that either way they look extremely uncomfortable and shocked about the topic XD now enough of my ramble and on to the lemon)

-Ein's POV-

As I was jus sitting there as Kai pet me I hear him ask me a question about marking

Kai: "Ein I know it's not the time since you're crying and all but what do you werewolves mean by mark or marking someone"

Ein: *softly blushes* "It's how a werewolf claims their mate"

Kai: "huh"

Ein: "basically it's when a werewolf finds someone to love usually another werewolf they mark their mate which claiming them as theirs. This tells others who might be interested in their mate to stay away this person is mine and only mine so stop starring and get your hands the fuck off my person."

Kai: "Wow"

Ein: "Yeah, but it really only works with werewolves and Meif'Wa because humans don't have strong senses like we do"

Kai: "That makes a lot of sense"

Ein: "yeah"

Kai: "Ein?"

Ein: "yeah"

Kai: *softly blushes* "W-Were you ever planning on m-marking me"

Ein: *blushes hardcore and gets a minor nose bleed* "W-WHAT!!!"

Kai: "were you"

Ein: " day y-yes"

Kai: "Would you be ok if you made that one day today"

Ein: "I-If you want me to th-then sure but I might get t-turned on"

Kai: "alright plus I did say you're the only one I love now"

Ein: "Heh...alright"

I then sit up and move my lips to against his neck

Kai: *gets a massive blush* "W-What are you d-doing"

Ein: *snaps into sexual mode and drops his voice to lower and more sexy* "You Want Me To Mark You Right"

Kai: "Yes b-but This seems very s-sexual"

Ein: "It's How A Mark Works Kitty~"

Kai: "W-What"

Ein: "Kitty~ A Mark Is A Bite To The Neck"

Kai: "R-Really"

Ein: "Yes"

Kai: *takes a deep breath* "Do It"

Ein: "Are You Sure You Want Me To Then You Would Only Be Mine I Could Still Turn Back Kitty~"

Kai: "yes just do it"

The Wolf And His Little Kitty: 💙Ein x Kai🧡 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now