Chapter 4: Helping Him Out And Finding Out About His Curse

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-Ein's POV-

I was sleeping for awhile I don't know how long I was out for honestly I never thought I would fall so hard for a male and a Meif'Wa at that I've always seen them as disgusting like how I do with humans.

However Kai was sweet something about him made me feel comfortable like I could be myself and not hide beneath the cloak of acting sweet but yet I still didn't wanna show that evil side of me that I hate just yet

That's when I was brought into a dream state

-Ein's Mind-

Mom: "Looks like someone found a lover huh"

I just blush

Mom: "Hey what did I say I knew you 2 would become something"

Ein: "B-But it feels so weird and so right at the same time"

Mom: "It's ok to be gay sweetie"

Ein: "Yeah I know but the thing is I don't know if I'm gay or bi now"

Mom: "I'll be fine with what ever you end up choosing baby"

Ein: ....

Mom: *places a hand in his shoulder* "Hey don't beat yourself up about this baby, if you really love Kai then go for it as I saw what you did earlier"

Ein: "Heh heh...yeah"

Mom: "Look I don't know how your father will feel about this but I support it all the way baby"

Ein: grrrr "that's right my father"

Mom: "like I said don't beat yourself up about this who cares what others think including Zack you are your own person so you can love who you wanna love because love is love no matter what you are"

Ein: "Heh...thanks mom"

Mom: "No problem sweetie" "Now I'm gonna go the bell will ring soon anyways"

Ein: "Ok"

Mom: "also one more thing I would take that tuna sandwich Kai offered you because I don't want you getting nauseous from not eating this morning"

Ein: "well my head is already pounding so I don't think being nauseous will be any worse"

Mom: "I'm just saying Ein but it's your choice"

That's when I feel my stomach start to hurt

Ein: "Ugh...fine I'll think about it even though I hate fish"

Mom: "It's better than nothing sweetie"

Ein: "True like I said I'll think about it if my stomach really starts hurting then maybe"

Mom: "Good" "Now I'm gonna go now remember mommy loves you sweetie" *kisses his forehead*

Ein: " you to mom"

-Out Of Ein's Mind-

she then disappears and I return still passed out snuggling Kai when I hear the bell ring making my ear twitch and let out a growl

-Kai's POV-

I hear the bell ring which makes me growl out "No not now" then I hear Ein growl the bell had woken him up a bit

Kai: "Ugh...I'm sorry Ein"

Ein: "Mmph...It's fine"

Kai: "Hey you feeling any better by the way"

The Wolf And His Little Kitty: 💙Ein x Kai🧡 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now