Chapter 5: The First Lunch As A Cuple

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-Kai's POV-

We snuggled at the front of the school for a bit when I decide I could show him around the rest of the school since the bell doesn't ring for another few hours.

Kai: "Hey do you want me to show you around the rest of the school so you get and idea of what it's like I mean it's basically a free day and the bell doesn't ring until a while"

Ein: "Sure"

Kai: "well the come on"

Ein: "Alright"

I then grab his hand and start to show him around I could tell he was getting more and more comfortable with it we were going for a few hours when I hear Ein whimper

Kai: "Are you alright Ein"

Ein: "yeah b-but are we almost done this school is big"

Kai: "Almost what's the matter is something wrong"

Ein: "No I'm just starting to feel really sick to my stomach is all"

Kai: "Let me guess your still hungry"

Ein: "Starving and it's starting to get really painful"

Kai: "What about we head to the bleachers because I'm getting hungry too"

Ein: "Sure but what about the cafeteria that you showed me earlier"

Kai: "Nah...It's more nice to sit outside"

Ein: "Fine"

I take him down to the bleachers and sit down and take out my lunch and take out the other tuna sandwich

Kai: "Here take it"

Ein: "But I don't like fish"

Kai: "Please I insist just try it"

Ein: "No"

Kai: "fine suit yourself I won't make you"

I start to eat mine when he whimpers and this time holds his stomach

Kai: "Please stop being stubborn and take the damn sandwich I don't like to see you in pain"

Ein: "N-No"

Kai: "Ein you're only hurting yourself please take it, it will make you feel better you haven't eaten anything all day from what you told me"

Ein: "No...*stomach really starts to hurt* "grrrr...Mmmph...Fuck! fine I'll take the fucking sandwich" "I can't take it anymore if I keep holding back I might throw up"

Kai: "Heh heh...the stubborn puppy finally gave in huh"

Ein: "Sh-Shut up"

Kai: "you're" *gives him the other sandwich*

Ein: *takes it and takes a bite*

Kai: "Well what do you think"

Ein: "I hate it but at least it's something"

Kai: "Oh come on it's not that bad"

Ein: "I feel even more sick now"

Kai: "Yeah right I can tell you're lying you like it don't you"

Ein: *lays ears back and blushes looking away while continuing to eat the sandwich* "f-fine maybe a little"

Kai: "I know you'd probably prefer the hotdogs on a stick they make for the werewolves here but at least the sandwich isn't too bad"

Ein: *feels stomach growl even more so now still making it hurt and places a hand over it*

Kai: "You're still hungry aren't you"

The Wolf And His Little Kitty: 💙Ein x Kai🧡 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now