Chapter 14: Aphmau In Trouble And Stuck In A Locker

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-Ein's POV-

It's been a few months and I was surprised that I have kept this relationship going strong with Kai if anything I thought I would have totally fucked it up by now but I haven't

Anyways I was passing by the cafeteria and saw it was all caution taped up. So I let my curiosity take the better of me and went to investigate it which was the worst idea.

As soon as I got there I saw it was entirely tagged with the Shadow Night logo but on top of that I got a huge whiff of spray paint making my nose sting and I instantly get a headache and feel a little sick to my stomach from it because of my strong sense of smell.

I then think to myself "Ugh...Who would do such a thing? The Shadow Nights are to chicken to do this so they must have been set up. I mean they definitely deserve being set up because they're fucking dicks."

That's when the smell started getting to overwhelming for me to handle making me feel lightheaded and dizzy "Ugh...I should really get out of here before it makes me pass out" after that I just left if I stayed any longer it would have intoxicated me making me a little high

As I was walking to my class I passed Aphmau's class when I over heard the students talking about her being called to the principal's office and me being the way I am because I like her too I instantly get worried about her and dashed to the principal office to see if I could help her out smashing through the window

-Aphmau's POV-

I had gotten to school and was at my first period which was home room when the intercom called my name to the principal office all the students in the classroom just went "Ooooo" like I was in trouble so I get up and head to the principal's office

Principal Layla: "Ahh Aphmau just the girl we were looking for"

Aphmau: "With all do respect Principal Layla why exactly was I called here"

Principal Layla: "Your probably familiar with what happened in the cafeteria right"

Aphmau: "Yes but I didn't do it"

Principal Layla: "Well even if you didn't we can't find the other Shadow Nights and we know you had a thing with their former leader"

Gym Teacher: "Exactly what was it Kitty"

Principal Layla: "Please let me deal with this"

Gym Teacher: "Fine"

Principal Layla: "So yeah were holding you accountable until we find the others"

That's when I hear running from down the hall and Ein busts in through the window

That's when I hear running from down the hall and Ein busts in through the window

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-Ein's POV-

Ein: "I heard Aphmau was in trouble"

Principal Layla: "Ugh...I knew this would happen"

The Wolf And His Little Kitty: 💙Ein x Kai🧡 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now