Chapter 13: Aph's Heartbreak, Trying To Calm Her, And KC's New Ship

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-Ein's POV-

After Kai had placed his hand on my shoulder and told me to let her go and even if it hurt me a lot I nod in response

I then give aph a kiss on the head but she didn't notice so I didn't care and let her go as she instantly sprints off in tears making me turn around and sob into Kai's chest

Ein: "I-I feel like I-I hurt her K-Kai"

Kai: "You didn't that was on me entirely I was the one who hurt her not you"

Ein: "I-I still b-blame myself"

Kai: "It wasn't you all you did was kiss my hand I broke to her the truth so I hurt her because I was her crush"

Ein: "B-But Im the omega s-so of course I-I b-blame myself for the a-alpha's h-heartbreak"

Kai: "Look babe she still sees you as a friend but she probably won't talk to me anymore"

I just cry more into Kai's chest and he started to calm me by petting my ears and pulling me close snuggling me

when we hear the click of a phone hug don't really pay attention to it or really care at all

-Aphmau's POV-

I sprinted all the way home and flopped on my bed sobbing the morning eventually comes around but I really didn't wanna go to school today however my mom forces me or I would get the Chancla

So I head to school and tried to avoid Kai at all costs I honestly wouldn't mind if I ran into Ein now because I actually enjoyed being hugged by him yesterday but I head to the bathroom and see Teony and Katelyn

Teony: "Oh no you were rejected weren't you"

Aphmau: "I-It hurts"

Katelyn: "It does"

Aphmau: "H-He likes someone else K-Kawaii-Chan was right"

Katelyn: "Wait he's actually gay"

Aphmau: "Y-Yeah and what worse the w-werewolf he's d-dating is a-another one of my f-friends"

Teony: "Who"

Aphmau: "E-Ein"

Katelyn: "No way I'm sorry"

I just sob

Teony: "it's gonna hurt for a while but the least you can do is support him as a friend right"

Katelyn: "Exactly like me and Jeffery we broke up but I'm still his friend even though I'm really jealous of the new girl he's with"

Teony: "Now is not the time Katelyn" "Anyways  Aphmau as I said  if you see him as a friend the least you can do is support him"

Aphmau: "Y-Yeah your right I-I should support him th-thank you guys"

As I was walking through the halls I was still pretty heartbroken but Teony and Katelyn did make me feel a little better and sat on one of the couched in the main area when I see come up I was about to run but he pulled me into a hug to quickly making me sob into his chest.

I didn't really care he was dating Kai anymore and didn't wanna run because I honestly just wanted to be held in someone's arms now and that's exactly what he was doing so I didn't care even if he was just making out with Kai

Ein: "I'm sorry about yesterday Aphmau"

I just cry harder into his chest

Ein: "H-Hey I have chocolate in my pocket if you want it I've heard it helps humans when they're like this maybe it could cheer you up"

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