Chapter 2: The First Day Of School And I Already Have A Crush

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-Ein's POV-

As soon as I walk up the steps of the school my ears laid back, all the confidence I had all melted away and has been replaced with the severe nervousness I had felt this morning and all last night where I couldn't sleep. The nervousness was way worse now I actually felt sick to my stomach and I wanted to throw up but couldn't so I guess not eating this morning was a good thing

My eyes filled tears as I knew what was coming I'm the new werewolf the new pack member so I'm the school's new omega and I was frightened because when I was omega at my older school I was always beaten up it's why I have 2 scars on my face and a few here and there on my body I was afraid the werewolves here would do the same thing to me as the werewolves from my older school

On top of that PDH was way bigger than Western Werewolf High which was the school I transferred from. PDH had multiple floors and was indoor while Western Werewolf High didn't. Everyone here had there group of friends while I was a loner.

I didn't really care since I was a lone wolf anyways but I was still so frightened that I wanted to run back home but I said to myself "Look Ein I know your nervous and you haven't felt this nervous since freshman year and you're now a sophomore but you got this, who cares what other's think, don't listen to them remember you don't give a fucking shit to anyone so you can do this"

After I thought that I had posted my confidence but as soon as I got to the doors I lost it "Never mind I-I can't do this" and I start sprinting the other direction the direction of back home blinded from my own tears

As I was running I rammed straight into someone sending us both to the ground I could tell it was a male because of the uniform design

???: *softly blushes* "W-Woah...hey there buddy"

I look below me to see I can't believe I'm saying this since I normally hate them but a rather handsome orange-haired Meif'Wa

Ein: *blushes out of embarrassment* "I-I'm s-so s-sorry I-I didn't m-mean it I-I swear"

???: "Heh heh...nervous freshy huh"

Ein: "N-No I-I'm a s-sophomore"

???: "O-Oh...heh I've never seen such a nervous sophomore it's usually the freshies who run like that"

Ein: *crys harder*

???: "H-Hey...I-I didn't mean it"

Ein: "I-I know I-I'm j-just...I-I'm just a transfer student f-from an all w-werewolf school s-so...ugh I can't believe I'm saying this but...I-I'm scared"

???: "Aww I can understand that the names Kai by the way"

Ein: *blushes* "e-ein"

Kai: "Can you speak up"

Ein: "I'm E-Ein"

Kai: "Ah...Well it's pleasure to meet you then Ein" *says under breath* "even if I met you in the most awkward way possible since you're kinda cute"

Ein: "I-I'm sorry I-I should go"

Kai: "Nonsense I'll h-help you out around the school"

Ein: "N-No I c-couldn't"

Kai: "What's the matter"

Ein: "I'm scared of th-the werewolves h-here a-and how b-big PDH is"

Kai: "You'll get use to PDH...But why the werewolves when you're one yourself"

Ein: *whimpers as his eyes fill with tears again*

Kai: *sits up and hugs him* "H-Hey you c-can tell me"

The Wolf And His Little Kitty: 💙Ein x Kai🧡 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now