Chapter 12: Aph's Confession But The Truth Reveald

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-Time Skip To Later In The Same School Day-

-Aphmau's POV-

I wake up In the nurses office and I don't know why or how I got here

That's when I get a flash back and remembered Kai picking me up with someone else by his side it looked like another male but it was to blurry and I couldn't tell it was probably no one

So Kai probably brought me here that's when I think "why am I like this around Kai am I crushing on him" "No the last time I had a crush was with..."

I then drone off and get flash backs of me and Aaron together making me get a light blush that's when I shake my head and say "No we said we'd wait"

That's when the nurse comes in and says Im fine then gives me a lollipop and sets me on my way so I lis listen and head to the bathroom when I run into Teony and Katelyn they were doing the thing when they know I was crushing on some one

Teony: "So who ya crushing on"

Aphmau: "N-No one"

Katelyn: "Come on Aphmau we know that look"

Aphmau: "W-What look"

Teony: "the one you're doing"

That's when Kawaii~Chan comes out of the bathroom stall and joins in

Kawaii~Chan: "It's Kai~Kun"

Aphmau: *blushes hardcore* "W-Why would think I-It's Kai~Kun"

Katelyn: "Did you just call him Kai~Kun"

Aphmau: *blushes even harder* "N-N-No"

Teony: "It's definitely Kai"

Aphmau: ......

Kawaii~Chan: "Though there is a problem with having a crush on Kai"

Aphmau: "W-Why"

Kawaii~Chan: "Kawaii~Chan has heard rumors around school about Kai being gay and that he's dating a werewolf"

All 3: "Wait? WHAT!! NO WAY"

Kawaii~Chan: "Yeah but Kawaii~Chan has a hard time believing it too, because she knows werewolves and Meif'Wa aren't exactly known to be on good terms. Plus Kai doesn't seem like the type that would be gay."

Aphmau: "She's right"

Kawaii~Chan: "But if he is gay and Aphmau~Senpai still really likes Kai she should still try to give him a shot because maybe he'll say yes"

Aphmau: "Yes thank you Kawaii~Chan I'll do that" *runs out of the room*

-No ones POV Just What Happens After Aph Leaves-

Teony: "Wow that was really grown up of you to say Kawaii~Chan"

Katelyn: "Yeah"

Kawaii~Chan: *falls to the ground crying*  "But at least Kawaii~Chan still has her fan art" *sobs*

Teony: "Aww Kawaii~Chan If she really likes Kai then the least we can do is support her"

Katelyn: "Yeah"

Kawaii~Chan: "Right"

-Aphmau's POV-

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