Chapter 3: Falling Deeper Into Love With Him

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-Kai's POV-

I couldn't believe had actually grabbed his hand I feel Ein grip it back makings lay my ears back and blush a pretty bright crimson "Does he actually like me back we only just met"

That's when I noice his hand was pretty sweaty like in a nervous way "I guess that means he does heh heh" but I was still worried about him

Kai: "H-Hey are you ok"

Ein: "Y-Yeah wh-why ask"

Kai: "You're hand is just sweaty"

Ein: "I-I'm scared remember"

I then stop and let go of his hand and look him directly in his beautiful grayish-silver eyes still puffy from crying as I place both my hands on his cheeks while he grabbed my wrists giving me a light blush and him a major blush

-Ein's POV-

I couldn't believe Kai had his hands in my cheeks I think my mom was right and he does like me like I like him

Kai: "H-Hey remember there's nothing to be afraid of I'll stay with you all day if have too" *has the urge to kiss him but doesn't*

Ein: "Th-thank y-you"

Kai: "N-No problem n-now let's go get your schedule I'll be your mentor"

Ein: "Mentor?"

Kai: "Right you don't know, you see our school has mentors for the new students of the school to show them around, help them out, and answer their questions "

Ein: "Are you one"

Kai: "Heh heh...No but I'm a senior I've been here all 4 years so I now this school like the back of my hand"

Ein: "I-I'm sorry I asked"

Kai: "Don't worry about it lets just go"

Ein: "O-Ok"

He then takes my hand and we continue walking to the front desk

Kai: "Do you want me to talk or do you want to"

Ein: "Y-You I'm to sh-shy"

Kai: "Alright"

I then see hm turn to the receptionist

Kai: "Excuse me"

Receptionist: "Oh...I know that voice anywhere hello there Kai what do you need"

Kai: "Umm...Do you happen to have a schedule"

Receptionist: "Yes but didn't you already get yours online"

Kai: "Oh...heh it's not for me it's for my friend here"

Receptionist: "Oh...I didn't see him there...*turns to the navy blue furred werewolf boy*...I'm sorry sweetie here's your schedule sorry about not noticing you"

Ein: *takes the schedule* "I-It's one does" *looks away*

Kai: "Aww Ein" *squeezes his hand*

Ein: *blushes but does say anything*

Receptionist: "Oooh I didn't know you were gay Kai"

Kai: *blushes a bright crimson* "W-W-What n-no he's just a f-friend I-I ran into h-him this m-morning he c-crashed into me a-all scared I-I'm just sh-showing him a-around"

receptionist: *giggles* "Your blushing so hard though look sweetie it's fine if you are we don't judge here"

Kai: "Heh...I mean I do think he's pretty cute"

The Wolf And His Little Kitty: 💙Ein x Kai🧡 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now