Chapter 6: Coming Out To My Father And Taking The Beating For Love

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-Ein's POV-

I see Kai leave and I instantly get a feeling of missing him already so I run after him and grab his arm

Ein: "Kai wait"

Kai: "Hm?"

Ein: "C-Can I walk you home"

Kai: "Heh heh...sure but if anything I feel like I should be walking you home because I know this area more than even you do"

Ein: "True"

Kai: "Did you really just stop me so you could ask me that"

Ein: *blushes* "K-Kinda"

Kai: "You already missed me didn't you"

Ein: *lays ears back and blushes a little more* "Y-Yeah"

Kai: " I'll walk you home instead"

Ein: "I-I don't really wanna go home though"

Kai: "Why"

Ein: "M-My dad remember"

Kai: "Awww"

Ein: "H-He got really pissed at me this morning and I-I don't wanna face his a-abuse"

Kai: "I-If you want y-you could stay w-with me"

Ein: "N-No I-I couldn't"

Kai: "Listen to me Ein...I already love you a lot and if you're really scared you could just stay with me"

Ein: "Heh...thank you babe"

Kai: "No problem puppy"

Ein: "Heh...this feels so weird I feel like I should be the one who says and does stuff like this because I'm a wolf"

Kai: "heh heh...we'll probably end up switching off depending on how the other feels because there are things I'm afraid of that your probably not"

Ein: "Oh?"

Kai: "Yeah I'm more of a scaredy-cat literally than you think"

Ein: "heh I get it cause your a Meif'Wa so half cat"

Kai: "One of which is...*hears a loud car and jumps back knocking into Ein and blushes*...Ah"

Ein: *holds him* "Loud noises huh"

Kai: "Mmhm"

Ein: " was just a car"

Kai: "I-I know"

Ein: "Now I see what you mean...heh heh that means I'm excited for a thunderstorm because it means I get to be the brave comforting one"

Kai: "Th-Those are the w-worst other th-than Fourth of July"

Ein: "Heh heh...I'll be your protector then babe"

Kai: "Th-Thanks"

Ein: *softly smirks since it's his smile*

Kai: "Hey let's go home now what do you say"

Ein: *whimpers*

The Wolf And His Little Kitty: 💙Ein x Kai🧡 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now