Chapter 15: Week Of Suspension

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-Ein's POV-

After we were found we were all taken to the principal office and we were all in trouble now and were all about to be suspended when this jet black-haired emo kid shows up

???: "Excuse me Principal Layla I wouldn't bother with these imbeciles who didn't lift a finger to tag the cafeteria"

Principal Layla: "What"

???: "Thats right it was I Zane who tagged the cafeteria not these imbeciles"

Principal Layla: "How should I trust you"

Zane: "I have video proof"

I then see him hand his phone to the gym teacher and Principal Layla

Gym Teacher: "Woah he did like do it there's video proof like right here

Principal Layla: "Well then I'll have to deal with you later" "as for you guys you're all still suspended"

Sasha and Zenix didn't seem to care but me and Aphmau did

Aphmau and Ein: "WHAT?! WHY?!"

Principal Layla: "Well you see even though the culprit did show himself you 2 failed to find the culprit yourselves"

Aphmau and Ein: "But that's not fare"

Principal Layla: "You guys promised you would find him by the end of the day but you didn't so even though you were looking it still counts as you guys being caught skipping classes"

Aphmau and Ein: "No"

Principal Layla: "Im sorry guys but the rules are rules" "Everyone is dismissed as for you Zane I have to discuss your punishment with you for tagging the cafeteria"

Me and Aphmau then walk out and she starts sopping into my chest as I tried to calm her through my own pain

To be honest I was super worried, scared and anxious about this week of suspension because my dad will be home all week and he'll be pissed abusing me all week unless I stay at someone's house

Aphmau: "M-My mom is g-gonna kill m-me"

Ein: "Shhh it's ok aph at least you're not gonna be beaten"

Aphmau: "W-Wait E-Ein I was just k-kidding I know I'm gonna get La Chancla but that's i-it

Ein: "Consider yourself lucky then"

Aphmau: "W-What"

Ein: "D-Don't worry about it A-Aph"

Aphmau: "Alright, Th-Thank you Ein you always cheer me u-up"

Ein: "N-No problem"

I tried not to cry as she hugged me because I knew she would know something was up if I did. I fought back all the tears until she finally let go of me and left when the bell rang. Thats when I let myself break and sprit away as tears streamed down my ivory cheeks staining them.

I sprinted to where I meet Kai after school even though my vision was blurry from the tears. I see Kai waiting for me that's when I break entirely and throw myself into his arms sobbing uncontrollably and I couldn't stop the tears were falling like waterfalls

The Wolf And His Little Kitty: 💙Ein x Kai🧡 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now