Chapter 8: A New Crush, Heartbroken, And Jealousy

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-Ein's POV-

It's been a few weeks and Kai has helped me a lot with settling in with Phoenix Drop High we've been going back and forth with each other's houses we even purposely left multiple changes of clothes knowing we would be at each other's houses

Whatever I tried no matter what I could never  get away from that sweet orange-haired Meif'Wa.

When I was separated from him I always felt so alone I don't feel the same without him he's the only thing my mind will focus on and I think he feels the same

However lately I've been feeling like that more because he's always hanging out with Aphmau now he would laugh and talk with her as I just sat there like the 3rd wheel I've even seen him give her the tuna sandwich when I actually didn't mind them anymore and thought they were delicious which really hurt me and made me jealous now

However I will say Aphmau was really pretty, cute, so sweet, kind, smart, and just flat out perfect she was also the Alpha Female and all the werewolves loved her so I wouldn't be surprised if Kai fell for her too because even I developed a crush on her even though I was dating Kai

Though whenever I ate lunch with her and Kai I always ended up getting up and leaving since my boyfriend would never pay attention to me anymore

Every time I got up and left I would sit at a different table like the lone wolf I was and always had been

One day I ended up meeting 2 new werewolves named Jax and Ryder and ended up becoming good friends with them they didn't care I was omega so I once again didn't feel so alone even though I still haven't told them about me and Kai we haven't told anyone

They were a lot like me too meaning they too were both bad boys just like me and we ended up becoming a trio of friends even though they annoyed the shit out of me sometimes and gave me a headache when they wouldn't listen but yes I did become their leader because they realized I was so much more hardcore than even they were

Even with the 2 new friends I had made I still missed Kai a lot but he's probably moved on even though it hurt I also cared a lot about Aphmau as well

One day I was feeling so depressed that I didn't even bother sitting with any one and when Jax and Ryder tried cheering me up I just got up and left them as well and sat in the hallways by the lockers just crying softly to myself

(⚠️A/n: trigger warning coming up so if you're sensitive to this kind of stuff I suggest you don't read this part⚠️)

as I sat crying on my own I let my depressed and even suicidal thoughts wonder thinking to myself "Maybe I should just skip the rest of school and go home to hang myself I don't wanna deal with this heartache pain anymore" "Why did I even bother coming to school today I just don't wanna exist right now"

What made it even worse is that some werewolf students decided to pick a fight with me and began bullying me as the omega the main one said

Leader wolf: "Hey guys look isn't that the omega let's rough him up a little for fun"

Ein: "Guys you know I can hear you"

Leader wolf: "And what are you going to do about it"

Ein: "Guys pleas I'm not In the mood to fight right now"

Leader wolf: "Well then it's perfect because you won't do anything about this"

That's when the walked up to me and gave me a hard punch in arm I just ignored it and they kept attacking me but I still ignored it

Ein: "Guys please you don't wanna get me angered"

Leader wolf: "pfff yeah right"

That's when he hit me in the face making my eyes go emerald with rage as I stood up and fought back which only hurt me more but physically instead

The Wolf And His Little Kitty: 💙Ein x Kai🧡 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now