9. Hogsmeade

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"Hermione?" I called softly, knocking on the door of her dorm. Lavender Brown was sitting in her bed painting her nails and looked up when I entered. Glancing at her, I asked, "You mind giving us a minute?"

"I'll just finish this in the bathroom," she said, looking between me and Hermione. Once she was gone, I sat down next to Hermione who was crying softly.

"You okay?" I asked, wrapping an arm around her. She shook her head, leaning into me as she cried silently.

Letting out a sob, she said, "He's so stupid. He's so stupid!"

"Boys are stupid," I replied, tightening my hold comfortingly and running my thumb over her shoulder comfortingly.

"Why is he acting like this?" Hermione asked, crying into my shoulder. "He doesn't even like Scabbers."

With a sigh, I explained, "Sometimes we have an attachment to our pets, even when we say we don't like them. I had this dog when I was young. He barked too much and he was constantly all over me, but he was also the sweetest dog in the world. I complained about him so much, but when he died, I was heartbroken. I cried for a week."

"How long did you have him?" Hermione asked, her tears slowing.

"Six years," I said. "I loved that dog with every fiber of my being...although he annoyed me sometimes. It's like that with Ron and Scabbers, or something like that." She nodded. "However, that doesn't excuse him being a jerk, but understanding him might help you to deal with it better."

I said no more, but I didn't move. After a time, she said, "Thank you."

"Of course," I replied. "Okay, I need to go write an essay, but come to me if you need anything. Need Weasley beat up, let me know. Need to talk, bang on my door whether three a.m. or during the day. I'm here, no matter what." She chuckled and hugged me before I got up. "See you around, Granger," I said, opening the door.

"Bye, Valerie," she replied, looking considerably more cheerful than when I had found her.

"Our resident mother has returned," George joked as I sat down again.

"Sod off," I chuckled, shoving his shoulder. Around midnight, I packed up my things and went to bed.

"Okay, so Zonko's," George rattled off as Fred, Lee, Angelina, and I walked down with him to breakfast.

"Then Honeydukes," I added, smiling with excitement. Soon we were all walking together to Hogsmeade. We passed the day quickly, talking and laughing together for most of it. We were still giddy with laughter when we returned to Hogwarts with our goodies. A large crowd had gathered at the portrait hole.

"Let me through, please!" Percy ordered, pushing through the crowd. "What's the hold up here? You can't all have forgotten the password - excuse me, I'm Head Boy-" He broke off. "Somebody get Professor Dumbledore, quick!" Soon he was there, pushing through the crowd.

"Fred, can you see what's going on?" I asked as he was the tallest of us.

"Oh, Merlin," he muttered. "Look!" I turned my head, finally able to see as the crowd parted for Dumbledore. The portrait was empty and large slashes ripped through the fabric. McGonagall, Remus, and Snape appeared, rushing towards Dumbledore.

"We need to find her," Dumbledore said. "Professor McGonagall, please go to Mr. Filch at once and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady."

"You'll be lucky," Peeves cackled.

"What do you mean, Peeves?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

"Ashamed, your Headship, sir," Peeves replied. "Doesn't want to be seen. She's a horrible mess. Saw her running through the landscape up on the fourth floor, sir, dodging between the trees. Crying something dreadful. Poor thing."

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