91. Navidad

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I was rather sleepy the night of Christmas Eve, leaning against Fred while we sat on the floor, his arms around me. When I was nearly asleep, Fred gently shook me awake and said, "It's time for bed, Luv." I groaned, holding onto him tighter. I vaguely heard him say, "I'd better take her home." Soon I was fast asleep in bed at home.

When I woke, it was to find Kreacher setting a package on my bed next to the semi-large pile already gathered. "Good morning," I said, sitting up tiredly.

"Morning, Mistress," Kreacher replied, turning to leave.

"Wait," I called. "I have something for you." Reaching into my bedside table, I drew out a wrapped package and handed it to him. He opened it, carefully throwing away the paper and staring in awe at the picture frame. It was an old picture I had found in the boxes of Dad's old things. It showed Narcissa and Bellatrix.

"Thank you, Mistress!" he exclaimed, looking quite happy. "Does Mistress want breakfast?"

"Yes please," I replied. "There should be some scones from yesterday. If you could just bring me one of those and some sausage?" He hesitantly opened his mouth to ask something but I said, "Yes, you may cook some extra for yourself." He smiled and rushed from the room. I smiled, sitting up and beginning to open my presents.

There was a far larger pile this year as many of the Weasleys had given me gifts, likely because of the engagement. I opened one from Molly and Arthur and found a Weasley Sweater knitted with dark purple yarn. I slipped it over my head and started on the others. Fred had given me a necklace, matching my engagement ring and George had given me a nice whistle for refereeing. Most everyone else had given me books and things of that sort apart from Kreacher. He had given me an old photo of Dad when he was still at Hogwarts. I smiled at the picture, adding it to my pile of things to take back with me to Hogwarts.

Glancing through them, I set them up on my bookshelves and got dressed in some white jeans and black boots, leaving on my sweater and slipping my new necklace around my neck. After a quick breakfast, I wished Kreacher a happy Christmas and left for the Burrow. "Good morning," I called, stepping inside. "Thank you for the sweater, Molly. Delightful with this cold."

"You're very welcome, dear," she replied, smiling as I sat down beside Fred.

"And thank you for your present," I said, kissing his cheek.

"And thank you," he replied, kissing my forehead.

Getting back up, I asked, "Can I help with anything, Molly?"

"Oh, no, thank you, dear," she replied. "I've got it all covered." A few hours later, we were all sitting to a magnificent lunch.

Down at the end, Molly was gushing about Fred and George's presents to her which consisted of a gold necklace and a blue witch's hat embedded with real diamonds. "Fred and George gave them to me. Aren't they beautiful?"

Serving himself food, George said, "Well, we find we appreciate you more and more, Mum, now that we're washing our own socks. Parsnips, Remus?"

"Harry, you've got a maggot in your hair," Ginny said cheerfully as she reached over to pull it out of his hair. I smirked, glancing over at Fred who had noticed as well.

After Ron knocked over the gravy boat, Fleur remarked, "You are as bad as zat Tonks. She is always knocking-"

"I invited dear Tonks to come along today," Molly said glaring at Fleur. "But she wouldn't come. Have you spoken to her lately, Remus?"

"No, I haven't been in contact with anybody much," Remus replied, carefully avoiding the judging glare I was sending him. "But Tonks has got her own family to go to, hasn't she?"

"Maybe," Molly replied. "I got the impression she was planning to spend Christmas alone, actually."

"I wonder why that is," I said bitterly, still glaring at Remus. Again he avoided it. Harry looked confusedly between me and Molly, who was also glaring.

"Tonks' Patronus has changed form," Harry remarked. "Snape said so anyway. I didn't know that could happen. Why would your Patronus change?"

"Yeah, Remus," I said, glad to take the opportunity to make my opinion blatantly clear to him. "Why would that be?"

"Sometimes...a great shock...emotional upheaval," Remus replied, shooting me an irritated look.

Harry opened his mouth to say something, but Molly exclaimed, "Arthur! Arthur, it's Percy!"

"What?" Arthur replied as everyone looked.

"Arthur, he's with the Minister," Molly said. I shared a cautious look with Fred before the door opened and Percy and the Minister entered.

"Merry Christmas, Mother," Percy said stiffly.

"Oh, Percy!" she cried, rushing to him. I could positively feel the anger radiating from Fred. I grabbed hold of his hand, wrapping an arm around him. Percy's eyes flicked over everyone else and lingered slightly on the stone glittering on my ring finger.

"I'll be back," I said quietly, just loud enough for Fred to hear before I left the table, purposefully knocking into Percy's shoulder. Glancing back, I saw the Minister glaring at me. I went upstairs to go to the restroom before coming back down. Seeing Percy and the Minster gone, I sat back down by Fred and quietly said sarcastically, "Oh no, they're gone, so sad." He chuckled.

The day after Christmas, I left my house and went to St. Mungo's and approached the front desk. "Katie Bell," I said. After I was told where to go, I cautiously made my way there. "Katie?" I said softly. Her mother turned, spotting me and instantly she gave a weak smile.

"Are you a friend of Katie's?"

"Yes," I replied. "I'm Valerie Black."

"Thank you for coming," she said. "She hasn't woken up yet."

"I'm sorry," I said, looking at Katie's pale face. "If I had known...if I could've done something..."

"Nonsense," she interrupted. "You did what you could." I gave her a small smile. I stayed with her a couple of hours, telling her some stories from when I was at school with Katie. Around noon, I went back home.

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