105. Crucio

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As I was sitting, huddled up and staring out into the night, Harry came to sit next to me. "We're going to go visit someone tomorrow," he explained. "We need you to stay outside their house and keep watch." 

"Who is it?" I asked. 

"Mr. Lovegood," he explained. 

Frowning, I asked, "Might I inquire as to why?" 

"Don't worry about it," he replied. "You might want to disguise yourself though, just in case." 

"He's never met me and my eyes aren't purple anymore," I countered. "I should be fine." 

"Very well then," Harry replied. 

The next morning, we broke camp and apparated. Instantly, I saw that the Burrow was in front of us. I stared at it for a moment, before following after the others. We walked for a long time before coming to an odd-looking house. Harry glanced back at me and I nodded, understanding that this was as far as he wanted me to go. 

Before they started to go inside, I said, "Wait, Harry." He and the other stopped. "Remember what is really important. Your mission over everything and everyone else, all right?" Looking confused, he nodded. 

The three went inside and I staked out the house, watching as the three went inside. I cast the disillusion charm on myself so I wouldn't be seen as easily. I waited for a long time, staring at the windows. I saw Harry move over to it, scanning for me. I briefly let the spell flicker. His eyes snapped to me and he nodded before turning back to the room. 

Before I had another moment to think, someone grabbed onto me. I cried out, attempting to fight against him, but his grip was far too firm. He whirled me around to face him and I saw I was staring at a Death Eater. 

"I got someone," he cried. Another one came near. "I'll take her to Bellatrix. You handle Lovegood." The other man nodded and the one who had me suddenly apparated. I gasped in shock, not having expected it. He dragged me forward, through a rather solid-looking gate. He knocked on the door. 

"What is it?" the cold voice of Bellatrix snapped, opening the door an inch. 

"I have someone that might interest you," he said. She opened the door wider, fixing me with a look. Her eyes widened. She grabbed onto me and slammed shut the door, throwing out some money. 

"I have her!" she shouted gleefully, dragging me into a large parlour and shoving me to the ground. I groaned, shaking slightly as I looked up. Before me was Narcissa and Lucius. Narcissa looked doubtful. 

"Are you sure?" she asked. I had a chance. Turning her head, she called, "Petra! Draco!" Nope, my chance is gone now. Petra ran in first, but Draco trailed behind. He stared at me, a terrified expression crossing his face. Petra bent down to look at me. A hand at my throat, she lifted me into the air. I gasped, scratching at her hand. She stared at me for a long time before letting go. I fell to the ground, gasping harshly for breath, my eyes blurred by tears. 

"Well?" Bellatrix said with sadistic excitement. "Is it her?" 

"I can't be sure," Petra admitted. "If it is, something is different." Glancing at my hand, she added, "She isn't wearing the ring either." She reached down, picking up my hand and looking at my wedding ring. "Aw, she's married." I didn't respond. 

"Draco, look, is it her?" Bellatrix demanded. Reluctantly, Draco stepped forward before crouching down beside me. I could see the fear in his eyes. I knew he recognized me. 

"I-" he began. Seeing the pleading look in my eye, he said, "I don't know." 

Rounding on me, Bellatrix screamed, "TALK!" 

"And say what?" I asked, my voice hoarse and cracking. "Declare my undying love for Voldemort?" 

"CRUCIO!" she screamed. I cried out, causing Draco to flinch and back away. "How dare you," she growled, her wand still raised. 

"Wait," Petra said suddenly, stepping towards me. She stared at me for a long time before she said, "That's her. I know it." 

"Why does she look different?" Lucius asked. 

"I don't know," Petra admitted. 

"Why don't we just kill her then?" Bellatrix asked with glee. 

"She doesn't have the ring," Petra explained. "We won't be able to find it without her." 

"You won't be able to get it," I said with a pained laugh. 

"Why?" Petra asked. 

"Because the ring no longer exists," I said. 

"Impossible," Petra breathed, but I could tell she was scared. "The ring can't be destroyed." 

"I never said I destroyed it," I replied wearily. 

"CRUCIO!" Bellatrix cried. I screamed again, tears filling my eyes and running down my cheeks. I sobbed as she cursed me again. As it began to fade, I looked up and saw to my surprise, Draco was standing in a far corner, his face turned away, but I could see that he was crying. He wiped the tears away quickly, but I had seen them. I drew in sharp, shaking breaths. "What did you do to the ring?" Bellatrix demanded. "What did you do?!" 

She cursed me again, shouting, "I won't stop until you tell me!" I sobbed, screaming in agony. I knew I couldn't tell them. If they knew, they might kill me just so we wouldn't have it on our side. Or, worse, if they figured out that the magic would pass on to one of them. She hit me with the curse several more times before suddenly it stopped. 

Bellatrix left the room, followed by all the adults in the room. The moment he saw that they were gone, Draco rushed to my side. "Valerie," he whispered, moving my hair out of my face to see me better. "Valerie, are you alright?" 

"Just spectacular," I groaned. He managed a small smile but it quickly faded away. "Draco, get me out of this and I will protect you." 

"Valerie-" he began. "I can't abandon my mother." 

"She wouldn't be punished," I countered. "And I can protect her too." 

"She won't leave Father," he replied. 

"They'll be safe here," I said. "Just, please, Draco. You're one of the few people I have left that I care about. Let me protect you." Before he could reply, the others came back and he stood back up. I turned, spotting Ron, Hermione, and what looked like it could be Harry, but he had been stung by something. 

"They say they've got Potter," Narcissa said. "Draco, come here." Draco glanced at me as he passed and I shook my head slightly. He went over to Harry and looked at him. 

"Well, boy?" the horrid voice of Fenrir Greyback snarled. 

"Well, Draco?" Lucius said avidly. "Is it? Is it Harry Potter?" 

Glancing back to see my pleading expression, he replied, "I can't - I can't be sure." 

"But look at him carefully, look! Come closer!" he insisted. "Draco, if we are the ones who hand Potter over to the Dark Lord, everything will be forgiv-" 

"Now, we won't be forgetting who actually caught him, I hope, Mr. Malfoy?" Greyback snarled. 

"Of course not, of course not," Lucius snapped. I shifted, accidentally letting out a whimper and drawing everyone's attention to myself. 

"Shut up!" Bellatrix screamed, shooting the curse at me again. I screamed, physically moving away from her. Cursing myself, I realized I had gravitated over to Draco, seemingly the only person who might help me here. Looking up, I saw he had a pained expression on his face and was blinking away tears. Glancing over at the others, I saw Hermione and Ron looking very confused. 

Suddenly Bellatrix stopped, her eyes fixated on something out of my sight. Slowly, she demanded in a terrified tone, "What is this?" 

"Sword," a snatcher grumbled. 

"Give it to me," Bellatrix demanded. When he refused, the place was instantly flung into confusion as she began stunning everyone in sight. That's when I realized. The Death Eaters had forgotten to take my wand. Now I just needed to wait. 

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