48. Spiritual Mediumship

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The following morning, I woke up late and had to rush about to be ready for my classes in time. Even so, I wound up being late. The day passed very slowly, but to pass the time, I began to mess around with my ring and would touch the wood of the desks to see if it showed anything interesting.

Nothing but empty rooms or other boring classes, unfortunately. When the day was finally over, I went down to the kitchens and made up a bundle for Dad. Once this was done, I flew off toward the cave.

"Hey Dad," I said, changing back.

Beginning to dig into the food, he asked, "Any luck with the ring?"

"Yes actually," I admitted. "Okay, this is actually really cool. Put your hand on my shoulder."

Giving me a strange look, he did so. I lay my hands against the stone. To my surprise, instead of a veil springing up, a ghostly figure appeared.

"Who is that?" Dad asked.

"I don't know," I said. "This has never happened before."

"You," the woman said, looking at me. "A ring-bearer! At last!"

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Khadija Harris," she said with a small smile. "I died here a year ago. But there has been no ring-bearer to let me move on."

"Why do you need me?" I asked.

"Those who die of natural causes pass on instantly, but if you die unnaturally, you need to pass through the ring-bearer to be able to be at peace," Khadija explained. "I can help you, Valerie. I can find the other spirits and bring them to you."

"O-Okay," I said shakily.

"But go back now," she said. I took my hands off the stone and suddenly Khadija was gone.

"So what was it you wanted to show me?" Dad asked.

"What?" I said, turning to look at him. "Do you not remember-" I broke off. He was looking at me with confusion. He had remembered nothing. Brows furrowed, I said, "Dad, I've got to go. I'll come back soon." He nodded and I left, still confused, but before I walked away, I covered my hand with my sleeve and picked up one of the rocks from the floor, and hid it in my pocket.


Once back in my dorm, I sat in bed and locked the door, ensuring no one would come in. Reaching in my pocket, I pulled out the rock. Instantly Khadija appeared again. She smiled as she looked around.

"Nice dorm," she said. Khadija was dark ebony and seemed to have been sculpted to perfection out of dark chocolate with dark brown eyes that still somehow held a light to them.

"Hi Khadija," I said. "Do you know why my father couldn't remember seeing you?"

"Probably because he doesn't have a tie to the spiritual world like you do," she explained. "That ring tethers you to both worlds."

"So, are there a lot of people that need to go through me to be at peace?" I asked.

"Yes," she said. "I can start bringing them to you if you like."

"Sure," I replied. Another figure appeared. It was a man in his twenties. Glancing at Khadija, I asked, "How does this work?"

"Stand up," she said. I did. He moved towards me and held out his hand. I mirrored him and he moved his hand towards mine. I moved so they were right next to each other and then...he was gone.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Almost," she said. "You'll finish it when you go to sleep tonight. You'll see his life in your dreams then he's at peace."

"What about you?" I asked.

"You need someone to bring these spirits to you," Khadija replied. "I've only been dead a year. It hasn't been that bad for me."

"Oh," I said. "And why does stone make me see you?"

"Each of the abilities tied to that ring have an element that causes you to be able to use that ability," she explained. "Stone is tied to the dead."

"What about when I can see the recent past?" I asked.

"Well, I'm not sure," she admitted. "What have you been touching when it happens?"

"Wood," I said, realizing. "The wood in Dumbledore's office, then in my classrooms...and there was wood on the ground when it happened the first time."

"Then wood it is," Khadija replied. After a moment, she said, "It's been so long since I've been able to talk to anyone."

"Can spirits not talk to one another?" I asked.

"No," she admitted. "Unless we died at the exact same time. The chance of that is one in a million. We can see one another, but we can't talk. That's how I can guide them to you."

"I see," I replied. "What if I made a ring out of this stone, would I be able to see you all the time?"

"Yes," she said. "But would you want to be able to see me all the time?"

"Sure," I said. "Where are you when I don't touch this thing?"

"Back in the cave, but it's dark and cold," she said.

"Then it's settled, Khadija," I decided. "I'll make a ring out of it and you can talk to me all you want and...is it warmer here?" She nodded. Pulling out my wand, I set the stone on the bed. Khadija disappeared. Carefully, I carved a perfectly smooth ring out of the stone and picked it back up.

Khadija came back. "Oh good," she said. "I thought you'd left me back there again."

"No," I assured. "I was making the ring. I slipped it on my finger and then said, "Now I just need to make a wooden ring that I can use when I need to."

"Valerie," Khadija said.


"Thank you." 

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