37. Back Again

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"I'm headed to Diagon Alley," I said, grabbing a light jacket.

"It's fine, dear, I'll handle it," Mrs. Weasley said.

"I have to get more money out of my vault anyways," I said, shrugging her off. "Thanks, though, Mrs. Weasley." She nodded and I headed into the family room where Bill, Charlie, George, and Ron were all sitting. "Can one of you old people drop me off at Diagon Alley? I need to get stuff for school."

"Sure," Charlie replied, holding out his arm so he could take me along by side-along apparation. Instantly, everything shifted and we stood in the Leaky Caldron.

"Thank you," I said, smiling at him.

"I can come back in an hour or so," he offered.

"Thanks," I replied. "I should be done in an hour and a half." Pulling out my wand, I slipped into Diagon Alley and began heading into Gringotts. Once I had some more money, I bought most of my books and supplies. Trailing my eyes down the list, I saw that I needed dress robes. Letting out an irritated sigh, I went into the robe shop and began looking around. Finally I spotted one I liked and didn't look like it was from the eighteen hundreds.

The robes were basically a long dress with a sweetheart neckline and no straps. It was a deep red and reached my feet. Once I was fitted for them, I paid and headed out the door. Glancing at my watch, I saw I still had about twenty minutes before Charlie would come back. Glancing around to make sure no one was paying attention to me, I pulled out a small slip of parchment I'd stashed in my pocket.

Mandrake Leaf

Clicking my tongue, I thought carefully about where I could get one. After checking a few places, I finally found a shop that had one. "Thank you," I said, paying for it.

"What is this for, if I might ask?" the wizard in front of me asked, taking my money.

"Oh, nothing," I lied. "I just need it for a potion. Good day." Leaving the store, I carefully placed the leaf in my pocket and headed back towards the Leaky Caldron.

"Right on time," Charlie said, appearing just as I walked in.

"Thanks for doing this," I said, grabbed his arm.

"No problem," he replied before he apparated.

"Thanks," I repeated, letting go of him and heading upstairs. "Hey, Fred, I need to talk to you," I said, catching him as he headed down the hall. "You too, George."

"Uh, okay," George replied, following me into their room.

"So, you know how my dad's been writing to me?" I said. "He told me how to become an animagus."

"Seriously?" Fred replied. "Are you going to do it?"

"I'm planning on it," I replied. "But it means I have to keep a mandrake leaf in my mouth for a month. I just wanted to let you know so you didn't freak out when I stopped talking. I'm not sure yet how hard it is to talk with one."

"Wicked," George said.

"Is it dangerous?" Fred asked.

"Not if I do it right," I replied.

"Then it'll be fine," he said. "Let me know if you need help." I nodded and headed out the door. We were leaving in a week for Hogwarts, which meant if I put the leaf in now, I would only be at school with it for two weeks. Folding it up, I stuck it under my tongue. No one seemed to notice my sudden lack of motivation to talk, although as the week went by, it became easier and easier to talk with it in until it wasn't even an issue anymore. At last the night before we left arrived. I was in Ginny's room with Hermione and Ginny as we all packed our things.

"You ready for third year, Ginny?" I asked, folding up my robes.

"It should be fun," she replied. "How was your third year?"

"That was the first year Fred, George, Lee, and I didn't have to make excitement," I chuckled, "Harry showed up and with him a load of trouble." Hermione chuckled as Ginny laughed with her.

The next morning, we all carted off to King's Cross Station and loaded onto the train. After saying goodbye to everyone, I headed onto the train. "Where should we sit?" Fred asked, looking around.

"Oh no you don't," a voice behind us said, causing me to smile.

"Hey Ange," I said, turning to face her with a smile.

"You've had her most of the summer, Weasley," Angelina said. "I'm stealing her."

Turning to Fred, I grabbed my stuff, saying, "Well, you heard the woman. I'll catch you later, guys." Once they were gone, I turned back to Angelina.

"I already found a compartment," she said. "Katie and Alicia are in there." Nodding, I followed after her.

As I sat down, Angelina said, "Okay spill. Who got Quidditch captain? I know it wasn't Fred, George, or Harry or me so who was it?"

"Not me," Katie replied, turning to look at me.

"It wasn't me either," I said. "Actually I found out there isn't Quidditch this year."

"What? Why?" Angelina exclaimed.

"I don't know," I admitted. "Some event they're doing. Stupid." Everyone groaned, saying nothing more about it. Eventually we changed subjects and began talking about the Quidditch World Cup. While they talked, I lay back, closing my eyes. Soon, I was fast asleep.

"Valerie," Alicia said, nudging my shoulder. "We're at Hogwarts." I groaned. With a sigh, I got up and followed everyone out the train, still half-asleep.

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