55. Grimmaud Place

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"Fred!" I exclaimed, looking up from where I was reading in the kitchen.

"Val, hey," he replied, sitting down next to me.

"So listen, I, uh, I actually wanted to talk to you about something," I admitted, shifting in my chair nervously.

"Okay, what's up?" Fred asked.

"Look, I love you but..."

"But?" Fred repeated.

"I'm not in a good enough mental state to give this relationship the attention you deserve," I explained. "I-I'm a wreck, Fred, and I need a friend more than a boyfriend right now."

"So, are you breaking up with me or...?"

"No," I interrupted quickly. "Just...a break, until I sort some things out."

"Okay," Fred agreed. Grabbing my hand, he said, "I'll be here when you're ready." Giving him a smile, I squeezed his hand back.

"Thank you," I said. Letting out a sigh of relief, I said, "Thank Merlin that's over. I've been agonizing over this conversation for ages." Fred let out a small laugh, giving me the same happy smile as always. 


The following night, we all sat down together for the first time in the new headquarters. The most recent meeting had just broken up and I was seated between Dad and Fred. Mrs. Weasley, although cold toward me at first, gradually began to warm up to me once she realized Dad wasn't all bad. 

Halfway through dinner, several conversations were going on at every part of the table. Ron was arguing with Fred and George about which player on a Quidditch team did the most work while Mr. Weasley and Dad were talking in hushed tones about some Order business. 

Ginny, who was sitting across from me, was talking to Bill and Hermione about her fourth-year classes. Suddenly the talk was broken into as the kitchen door opened. Everyone turned to see Professor Dumbledore standing on the threshold. 

"My apologies," he said, coming toward us. "I must speak with Sirius, Molly, Arthur, Bill, and Valerie." My eyebrows shot up briefly in surprise as I shared a look with Dad, but I made no other comment. 

After some protesting, the others all left and all that remained were the adults, minus Fred and George. "What is it?" Dad asked. 

"I must speak with you all about Harry," Dumbledore said. "I believe it time we begin our planning on how to get him out." 

"Why?" Mrs. Weasley asked sharply. "Has something happened?" As if in answer to her question, a snow-white owl streaked into the room. Hedwig perched on the table, her leg out. Glancing at Dumbledore, Dad went forward and took off two of the four letters. Instantly, Hedwig flew off again. 

After handing one to me, Dad opened his. Looking inside, I read...

I've just been attacked by dementors and I might be expelled from Hogwarts. I want to know what's going on and when I'm going to get out of here.

Looking up in shock, I stared at Dad. Before anyone could say a word, Hedwig returned, the other two letters gone. Instantly, she flew to me, landing on my hand and beginning to peck my fingers. 

"Bloody-" I shouted, trying to shoo her off. "What did I ever do to you?!" Dumbledore sighed, grabbed the bird from the air and began to stroke her feathers, calming her. 

"I believe Harry is more frustrated than I anticipated," he said. With the owl now calm, he let her go and she flew away up the stairs again. Agitated, I shut the door and returned to our now-formed circle. "I assumed Harry informed you of the attack?" 

"What happened?" Dad asked. 

"Dementors," Dumbledore said simply. "Their loyalty will always be to Voldemort. He is more than willing to give them what we refuse them." 

"How are we getting Harry out?" I asked, breaking into his train of thought. 

"Ah," he replied. "I'm getting to that. I'm just waiting for a few more arrivals." The next moment, the front door opened and the sound of several footsteps approached. Opening the door, Dumbledore summoned them to the kitchen and soon appeared a rather odd group. 

First came Mad-Eye Moody, the real one, soon followed by Remus, and a few others I had seen around but didn't know the names of. A woman with vibrant pink hair, a tall, bald man with dark skin, and others. 

"All of you will either be helping get Harry out or I simply think it prudent you are aware of the plans," Dumbledore said. "I think brooms are the wisest way to get him out. Slower, but safer. It can't be traced. Moody can handle the specifics. For now, I need to speak with Sirius and Valerie alone." 

The other members of the group left with Moody, leaving me alone with my father and Dumbledore. "What's this about?" I asked, crossing my arms. 

"I wish to speak to you about Valerie becoming a member of the Order," Dumbledore admitted. With raised eyebrows, I looked over at Dad. He looked slightly hesitant. 

"Come on, Dad," I sighed. "I can take care of myself and besides, I'm a legal adult now." 

"Raven, it's dangerous," he countered. 

"Dad," I protested. Grabbing his arm, I dragged him out of earshot of Dumbledore. Facing him, I accused, "I know why you're so scared of me joining the Order." 

"Oh do you," he replied. 

"And it's not just because I'm your daughter," I claimed. He watched me curiously. "I think you're just scared because you already lost Mom and now you think you're going to lose me." He said nothing. "But Dad, listen to me. He isn't out in the open. It isn't dangerous for me yet and by the time it is, I'll be ready. I still have my last year of school and I will study harder than you could dream of." 


"Dad," I interrupted. "Let me fight. I was powerless against him once, don't make me powerless again." 

Dad stared at me for a long time, his eyes holding both fear and a look of careful consideration. 

At long last, he said, "Very well, but there will be conditions." 

"Thank you," I cried, hugging him tightly. 

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