64. Umbi- Oop, I Can't Say That

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"How's your schedule for today?" Angelina asked, dishing herself some eggs.

"I have a free period every morning," I admitted. "That's really nice. Otherwise today I have Charms, DADA, Arithmancy, and Runes. You?"

"It's not too bad," she admitted with a small frown. "What do you think Umbridge is going to be like?"

"Horrible," I said, laying a piece of cheese and some egg on some toast. Taking a bite, I took Angelina's schedule and looked it over. When I was done, I handed it back. After finishing my breakfast and downing some orange juice, I got to my feet, said goodbye to the others, and went up to the owlery. I wrote up and spelled a quick letter to Dad about the updates at school and sent it with one of the owls.

Next, I went down and packed up my bag for classes and glanced at the clock. Free periods are great at the middle and end of the year but at the beginning they're some of the most boring things in the world. Sooner than I expected, the bell rang and I was heading down to Charms. "Hey," I greeted, sitting down by Angelina and getting the attention of Fred and George at the table in front of us.

"How was your free period?" Ange asked.

"Boring," I replied, getting out my wand and some parchment. "Free periods aren't worth it until we're actually swamped with work."

"True," George agreed. Before we could talk more, Professor Flitwick stepped before the class and began to lecture. Just as I had expected, he had elected to start out the year by reminding us about our N.E.W.T.s we had this year. Fred and George, who were only taking three classes this year, sat at their desk scribbling on some parchment instead of listening.

I started out listening but soon I had pulled out a piece of parchment and began drawing mindlessly. When the bell rang, I quickly folded up the parchment and shoved it in my bag as everyone packed up. "Umbridge next," Fred grumbled as we left class.

"How much you wanna bet she starts off with some long pompous lecture about how we need to be taught better than we have been?" I said.

"Oh, I meant to ask you, who's the new Quidditch captain?" Angelina asked, interrupting our talk.

"I have no idea actually," George admitted.

I chuckled slightly before admitted, "Right, I forgot to mention-"

"It's you?" Angelina exclaimed. "I knew it!" I smiled brightly as she lunged at me with a hug, but was slightly crushed by her embrace. I laughed. Pulling away, she punched my shoulder, scolding, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Sorry, it just slipped my mind," I replied. Turning to the surprised twins, I asked, "So, you boys ready to be put to work?"

"Can't wait," George replied indifferently. Brightening slightly, he added, "Although, we won't end up with hour-long pep talks." I chuckled.

"True that," Fred replied.

"Well I'm glad it's you," Alicia said. "I'm sure you'll do great."

Dropping behind the others slightly, I tugged Fred's sleeve and said, "Sorry for not telling you, but between worrying about Dad and my mom and-"

"I know," he interrupted, smiling slightly. "You don't have to explain yourself to me. I understand." I smiled, a faint blush dusting my cheeks as I averted my gaze. Before we could talk more, we arrived at DADA.

"Hello nightmare class," I muttered, taking a seat at the back between Fred and Angelina. Everyone shuffled in, casting glances at Umbridge seated at her desk. At seeing the pink cardigan around her shoulders, I grimaced.

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