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Nineteen Years Later

"Come on, now," I said, attempting to hasten along the two children in front of me. 

"But Mum," said a young boy of about sixteen, running a hand through his black hair as he threw a wink at one of the girls walking past. "We have like five minutes until the train leaves. We're fine." 

I rolled my eyes. "Listen to your mother, Sirius," Fred said half-heartedly. 

"Mum, are the O.W.L.s hard?" the second boy asked. 

"Impossible!" Sirius exclaimed dramatically. "They are impossible! You will fail, Jamsey." 

"Don't call me that," James whined. 

"Be nice, Sirius," I warned. "James, if you study, you should be fine. You are the great James Draco Black-Weasley. You can do anything." As we passed through the barrier I smiled. 

"Uncle Draco!" James shouted, rushing towards him and his wife, Astoria. 

Draco smiled, embracing James and replying, "Good to see you too, James." 

"Hey, Draco," I said, hugging him as well. "Astoria." 

She smiled at me and asked, "How are the two boys?" 

"Oh, you mean three?" I teased, glancing at my husband. 

"Hey! I'm not that childish," he defended. I just looked at him. "Okay fine, yes I am." I smirked in triumph. 

"Valerie!" a voice behind me called. I turned, spotting my godson. 

"Teddy," I replied, hugging him as well. "How are you?" 

"I'm good," he replied. "Looking for someone though. Have you seen Victoire?" 

"No, I haven't," I admitted. "Sorry." 

"That's all right," he replied. Noticing who else was there, he added, "Oh, hey Draco." 

Once he had left, I turned to the two boys. "Sirius, James, behave yourselves," I warned. 

"Or get better at not getting caught," Fred added. 

"Fred!" I scolded, hitting his arm. After a moment, I muttered, "Or that. BUT that does NOT mean you prank teachers. Understood?!" I looked so threatening neither of them dared say anything. 

"What about the first years?" Sirius asked with a sly smile. 

"Sirius George Black-Weasley!" I shouted in irritation. 

"Okay, okay, just joking," he laughed. Shaking my head, I couldn't help letting out a small smile as I embraced my oldest son. He really did remind me of my father. He looked almost exactly like Dad had when he was sixteen with long black hair and grey eyes. James, however, had Fred's red hair and brown eyes. Ironically, Sirius was much more like Fred in personality while James was a shyer version of myself. 

Hugging James, I said, "You'll be fine, okay? And if you ever need anything-" 

"I know I can write to you," he said, hugging me back. "I love you, Mum." 

"I love you too, James," I replied. Pulling away, I moved his red hair out of his face and smiled at him. Soon the boys were loaded on the train and Fred and I waved goodbye before approaching the Potter-Weasley-Granger group. "Hey," I said, embracing Ginny. After I had hugged Harry, Ron, and Hermione, I remarked, "It's strange to see them go." 

"You've had to say goodbye more than we have," Hermione said. 

I smiled. "Yeah, those boys are sure growing up." 

That's the end! My word, can't say I remember how long ago I started this, but it was a while ago. And to think 115 chapters! That's at least 115,000 words, probably more. I've had so much fun writing this, but unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. However, I just want to say that the amount of support on this story is insane, and when I tell you I smile every time I see a comment or vote, I am not kidding. I love you all so thank you! If you would like, there are more Harry Potter fanfics I'm working one and the first few chapters are up if you want to check those out. But even if you don't, thank you for journeying with me as I took Valerie through all the hardships and pain of her life. So if this is where we part ways, I am glad to have shared this journey with you. Much love!

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