87. The Dragon Steps to the Path of Fire

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"Valerie, could you hand out the first and second-year schedules for me?" McGonagall asked.

Wiping my mouth, I set aside my scone and said, "Sure." Taking them from her, I headed down to the Gryffindor table. Once I had finished handing them out, I walked past the Slytherin table to go back to the staff table.

"Imagine someone so ugly being a teacher," Pansy Parkinson snickered.

Rolling my eyes, I said, "Ten points from Slytherin, Parkinson." I grabbed a few more scones before heading out the door to get to my office. I had a free period before my first class. Stopping just inside my office, I grabbed the paper from my inbox and sat at my desk.

I had been sent the lists for potential Quiddich team members by the Heads of Houses aside from Snape. As I was sorting through some of them, there was a knock on my office door. "Come in," I said, setting aside my work. "Snape," I greeted cordially.

"My list of potential Quidditch members," he said, handing it over.

"Thank you," I replied, adding it to the pile. When he didn't leave, I asked, "Was there something else, Snape?"

Shutting my office door, Snape faced me and said, "I want to know why Dumbledore really brought you here."

"To teach kids how to stay on their brooms," I replied simply. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to prepare for."

"Of course," he replied with a sneer. Once he'd gone, I grabbed my broom and went down to the pitch. I flew a few rounds as a group of tiny first-years gathered below, watching in awe. After a particularly difficult manoeuvre, some of them let out a cheer.

Landing, I faced my students and said, "Hello. I'm Madam Black. So, let's get started." I had lined up the brooms and said, "Step up to your brooms." Pacing between them, I ordered, "Now, all out hold your hand over the broom and say 'up'!" They tried and only a few even moved. Only one soared into the hand of its owner.

Laying down my own broom, I said, "Like this. Up!" My broom flew directly into my palm. Ten minutes later, they had mostly gotten it. "So, when you fly a broom, you need to become a part of the broom. It is not merely something you use." I mounted my broom. "You mount it like this." I walked around, checking over everyone's grip. "So, I want you all to gently push off the ground and hover a moment before landing again."

I anxiously watched as they did so. To my surprise, no one got hurt. "Good job, guys," I said, smiling around at them. Before we could do more, the bell rang and my second class started coming out. "Good morning," I said. "Let's begin." I wasn't so lucky in this class as I was last time. I had to dash forward to help a kid who had flown directly into one of the goalposts.

"Alright, I need to take him to the hospital wing," I said. "If a single one of you left the ground, you have detention. And trust me, I will know." I glanced at Khadija as I walked away with the boy. Once I'd gotten him to Madam Pomfrey, I came back out to the Quidditch pitch.

"They did as you said," Khadija said. I nodded, giving her a smile.

"Okay, let's continue," I said.

A week or so later, I was sorting through some papers when there was a knock on my door. "Come in," I said, not looking up.

"Hey, uh- Do I have to call you Madam Black?" Harry asked.

I laughed, "Uh, I mean you're supposed to, but I don't mind if you just call me Valerie."

"Cool, so uh, Professor McGonagall told me I needed to let you know when I have Quidditch tryouts and practices," he said.

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