14. Christmas

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"Hey," I said, sitting down beside Fred and George in the Great Hall the first morning of the holidays.

"You look like hell, are you okay?" George asked.

"Fine," I replied dryly. The truth was I had barely slept last night. I had remained rather quiet for most of the break and try as they might, Fred and George could barely get me to eat, forget talking and pulling pranks like usual.

Christmas Eve, I was sitting in my dorm when I heard a shout from the common room. "I can't do that, Fred!" Hermione shouted. "If she won't talk to you, what makes you think she'll talk to me?"

"She was there for you!" George retorted. "Fine, just get her to come down here." I couldn't hear Hermione's response but a couple moments later, there was a tentative knock on my door. I made no answer, but Hermione opened the door anyways.

"What is it, Granger?" I asked, not looking up.

"Um, Fred and George asked me to ask you to come out and talk to them," she explained.

"I heard," I replied, still not looking up. "But I'm avoiding Harry so I'd really rather not."

"He doesn't hate you, you know," she said. "He just was taking out his anger."

"Feels familiar," I spat. "Tell Fred and George I'll see them for dinner." She sighed, but walked out the door.

Christmas morning, a small pile of presents was sitting at the edge of my bed. The first was some chocolate frogs from Lee with a note that said 'To my favorite Prankster Girl.' I snorted, shaking my head at his ridiculousness. Hermione gave me a fuzzy blanket and an advanced DADA book. George gave me an old book of Bill's on advanced curses particularly in Egypt. Angelina gave me a necklace with a Quaffle charm. Smiling, I clasped it around my neck. Remus got me another book. Finally I had gotten down to the last three presents.

Fred had given me some new Quidditch gloves and a chain that seemed to go with Angelina's. Together, it made one chain around my neck like a choker and another hanging just below it. I wore them together as I turned to the last two. The first package was long and narrow and the other was smaller and square-shaped. I reached for the long one first. I gasped as I tore off the paper. It was the newest broom, a Firebolt. It was the most beautiful broom I had ever seen.

Finally tearing my eyes away from the broom, I opened the other box. It was a one-by-one red box and when I took off the lid, I could see it was filled with objects, including a piece of paper on top.

Dear Val,
    I know you were asking about your mother. This is everything I have of her. I thought you'd want to see it some day. I hid it once I realized I'd be going to jail and only recently was able to go and get it. I love you, Raven. Merry Christmas.

Smiling, I set aside the paper and looked at the contents of the box. It was mostly pictures, but there was also letters and a piece of jewelry. There was a simple silver ring with vines etched on the metal. I heard sounds down in the common room and quickly shut the box and hid it under my bed. As I stood, I realized what was different this year. My smile fell as I realized that this was the first year I hadn't gotten a Weasley sweater. Shaking it off, I changed and left my dorm and went up the boy's stairway.

Opening Fred and George's dorm, I called, "Merry Christmas, fools."

"Thanks for the stink pellets, Val," Fred said, looking up from his pile of presents.

"No problem," I replied. "And thanks for the necklace and gloves."

Before anyone could say more, the dorm a few floors below us suddenly erupted in shouts. "GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" Ron bellowed. We all shared confused looks as a shrill scream filled the air. As it all stopped, I stood up, making to head for the door.

"Where're you going?" Fred asked.

"I'm going to see Remus," I replied. "And check to see what just happened."

"They're kids, they're fine," George countered, opening his box of candies and beginning to dig into one of them.

"You do you, George," I chuckled. "See you later." As I was making my way down the stairs, Harry, Ron, and Hermione emerged from the third year boy's dorm, the ladder two glaring at each other. I sighed, deciding they could wait. "Hey Remus," I greeted, stepping into his room. "You look terrible."

"Thanks," he replied sarcastically. "I haven't been feeling well."

"I can tell," I chuckled. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas," he replied, accepting my hug.

"You going to Christmas lunch?" I asked.

"No," he replied. "I simply don't feel well enough."

"Okay," I agreed. "Get some rest, okay?"

"I will," he said. "And thanks for my gift. I honestly can't say I know what to make of it." I let out a laugh as I spotted the wood carving of a werewolf with angel's wings.

"Hey, you need to stop seeing yourself as a monster," I countered, still chuckling. "And I thought it was a funny carving."

"Yeah okay," he chuckled. "Now get on to lunch."

"Bye, Remus. Merry Christmas," I replied, giving him one last hug.

"Sorry I'm late," I said, sitting down between Fred and George. "I had to go and see Remus."

"How is he?" Harry asked stiffly.

"Surviving," I replied tensely, noting that Dumbledore was watching us carefully. Everyone began to eat as I thought back to my presents. "Oh, guys, I forgot to tell you, I got a Firebolt."

"What?" Fred exclaimed, his eyes wide. "From who?" I hesitated, unsure if I should tell them. Noting my hesitation, Fred's expression darkened. Lowering his voice, he said, "Tell me it wasn't from who I think it was."

"Fred-" I began with a sigh.

"What if he's trying to hurt you?" Fred countered lowly, trying to keep everyone's attention from us.

"He wouldn't," I snapped.


"No, you don't know what you're talking about," I hissed, getting to my feet. Shoving my chair back under the table, I left the Great Hall.

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