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•Third Person POV•

"What the hell-.."

"Sorry, I just saw you walking here and thought I'd stop by and walk with you to wherever you were heading since I don't know anyone around here just yet."

It was a little awkward for you walking with him since no conversation was made. All you did was either slip out a little "wow that's a nice ___" or you'd take quick peeks at him.

You couldn't lie to yourself.

He was handsome up close.

You felt your face heating up and turned to Bakugo only to see him staring at you causing you to blush even more.

"What're you starin' at?"

Bakugo said, as you all of a sudden sprinted up ahead leaving a confused Bakugo behind.

•Your POV•

Ugh...this is a little weird walking with him. I should probably make up an excuse so I could leave.

As I turned back around to go and talk to Bakugo, he wasn't anywhere to be seen. His blonde spiky hair was not in sight.


No please...don't leave me alone.

•Third Person POV•

You ran back down the direction to the café seeing nobody but a a man who stood beside a light post across the street with a hoodie covering his eyes.

You ignored him and kept running back and forth making sure you weren't far from Bakugo. You screamed his name but no reply.

You hated this.

You hated being alone in a place where you knew no one.

Tears were threatening to slip out at any moment. Your lips were quavering as you just stood in-front of the café hopeless.

Turning around, you looked through the café windows seeing the lights off.


You looked at your trembling body that reflected off the window.

Behind you was the man who you saw standing beside a light post across the street.

You were too scared to turn around. Too scared to even answer.

"You look lost. I could help you with that dear."

His sinister smile was seen from the window. A tear had slipped from the corner of your eye.

You were mentally begging for Bakugo to come back but still, he never came. You clenched your fists as you were getting ready to run.

As he got closer, you quickly turned around pushing him away causing him to stumble back and took this chance to run.

Home-...I need to go home!

You kept repeating those words in your head as you were being blinded by your tears constantly trying to wipe them away.

You took different turns here and there looking back as you saw him getting closer and closer.

As you took another turn, you felt your heart shattered.

"A-..A dead end?...NO!"

You turned back around only to see the man standing there with his sinister smile.

"P-Please, leave me alone. I don't have any money!"

You took small steps back praying that you would get out of this safely, praying that Bakugo would pass around there shortly.

"I don't want your money~"

Sorry for any misspelled words.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚢 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝙳𝚘𝚘𝚛Where stories live. Discover now