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•Third Person POV•

Hours had passed by and you eventually fell asleep after a long day you had spent with the other three.

Your opened window with the cold breeze welcoming itself in your room.

As well as another who had welcome himself in.

I'm back my love.

He thought.

He walked around your room taking in everything he was seeing. He walked closer to your bed looking at your sleeping face.

You looked so peaceful.

Bakugo had dragged your sheets down to get a better view of your sleeping form. He glided his fingers down your arms as it sent a flow of pleasure in him.


He whispered.

He leaned in as he lightly kissed your collarbone. He would stop each second every time you moved from his touch.

He left small hickeys around your neck and on your thighs.

Small whimpers escaped your lips as you kept moving around.

He kept thinking if holding you was a good idea yet he stopped himself knowing he would blow everything.

Your screams would cause the neighbors to be awaken and he would lose you again.


You grunted.

You slowly sat up feeling your throat becoming dry.

The moment you had woken up, everything around you felt out of place. The bed you laid on felt as if another was in bed with you.

Looking to your side, you saw no one but the curtains flowing from the wind as the stars were out and bright twinkling in the night sky.

You dragged yourself out of your bed and out your door heading for the fridge.

You were until a loud crashing noise had came from your bedroom.

What the hell-...

You thought.

The lights were out in your home making it hard for you to make anything out. You slid your fingers against your wall guiding yourself up the stairs.

Too tired to even think, you kept bumping into different items causing them to fall.

You decided to ignore them and went back to the fridge as you grabbed a water bottle.

"Shit-...let's hurry this up and get back to bed."

You quietly whispered.

After you were done, you went back into your room seeing how everything were misplaced.

Your clothes that were neatly folded in your drawers were now out on the floor scattered everywhere as well as the photos that were once hung up on your wall.

You reached for the light switch.

But instead of touching the light switch, you had felt a piece of clothing. The clothing felt thick and soft.

Swiftly taking your hand away, you backed up into a corner as you saw a tall shadowy figure. You grabbed anything that was near you.

Something that was able to protect you.

Flashbacks of what happened during that came flashed in your head once again. Tears already flowing out from the corner of your eyes.


You choked back your tears trying to holler out for Bakugo's help yet you couldn't. Your voice felt restraint.

Damn-...I have to save myself...

Your fingers trembled when holding the lamp light firmly in your hands.

The tall figure stood there as you charged in swinging the lamp onto their head causing them to stumble back.

"Ugh- FUCK!"

You heard them whisper.

You were going to go in for another hit but was immediately stopped by their hand. They pulled you in as you felt their lips connecting with yours.


Was the last thing you heard before you were knocked out leaving you unconscious.


Bakugo gently laid you on the bed before leaving out through your window.

Thick liquid came dripping down his head as Bakugo quickly went inside his home and into his room.

He entered his closet that was wide open revealing numerous photos of you. He took out your items that were in his pockets and placed them neatly on the floor.

He took your shirt that he had recently stolen and dug his face deep into it smelling your faint [favorite scent] scent.

It drove him crazy.

Oh how much he loved you.

The feeling of pleasure that overtook him left him on his knees as he yearned to touch you more. He imagined you underneath him.

"MORE! K-Katsuki!"

"Yes [Y/n], beg me for more~"

It was all in his head.

He decided to relieve himself as he imagined you both feeling the rush of ecstasy.

The way his name would roll of your tongue so perfectly.


His breath hitched as he was feeling himself reaching his high.

" me [Y/n]."

He huffed out seeing your photos that were plastered almost all over in the closet.

Sorry for any misspelled words.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚢 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝙳𝚘𝚘𝚛Where stories live. Discover now