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•Third Person POV•

•Next Day•

After getting ready with Mina, Bakugo decided to come with us even though it was only suppose to be me and Mina alone.

"Fine, you can come."


You three arrived to the mall together with Kirishima who walked beside you.

Conversations were made between you two as to getting to know each other and whatnot. Bakugo walked behind you glaring at Kirishima from behind while Mina tried to at least make small talk with the mad man.

He would hear laughs that made him full of anger.

"Hey look! Let's go there!"

Mina said, pointing to a shop that showed different pastries being display by the windows.

"And why the hell would we go there."

Bakugo said as he walked passed the opened doors. You smiled at Mina and nodded feeling a little hungry as you both together with Kirishima walked inside already ordering.

Bakugo looked behind him to only see nobody but random people walking by. He averted his eyes to the small pastry shop and groaned in annoyance as he forced himself to go in.


After ordering, you all found a table to sit at. Kirishima sat beside you while Bakugo sat beside Mina. A lady who had passed by you all with her child who shyly looked at you all gripping onto his mother's shirt.

When the woman ordered, the child had let go of her hand and ran up to you all just standing there staring. You greeted the kid with a soft hello while Mina-...

"Yeet the child👹"

(Just kidding💀)

Mina had also greeted the child with a soft hello while Bakugo stared out the window who waited for the orders to arrive.

Kirishima looked under the table seeing how close his fingers were with yours. He slowly slid his fingers beside yours barely making contact.

You were too focused in your conversation with Mina that you didn't know that Kirishima's pinky was intertwined with yours.

A few minutes had gone by and the server had given you guys your plate that was full of pastries. You and Mina both had already stuffed your faces while Bakugo kept sipping his drink.

Kirishima tried to talk to you but no words came out.

Bakugo looked at Kirishima and saw a small sparkle in his eyes as he stared at you. His face flushed.


Sorry for any misspelled words.

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