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•Your POV•

I couldn't sleep.

I tried to get comfortable in my bed but it just didn't help. I was too scared to even close my eyes for a couple seconds.

Unknowingly, tears slipped out the corner of my eyes as I stared at the window admiring the pale moon.

Flashbacks of what happened today kept replaying in my head as I gripped onto my blanket silently crying.

•Third Person POV•

While you were deep into your thoughts, a loud thud was heard from downstairs in the living room causing you to quickly sit up on your bed.

What is it this time...a burglar?..

You quietly got off your bed grabbing whatever solid object was near you as you went out your room quietly going down the stairs.

"Quiet! She's going to wake up if you're being too loud."

That voice...


You said slowly putting the object you had in your hand down sighing in relief. Your voice caught her attention averting her eyes up to you seeing your shaken state.

She ran up to you pulling you into her arms.

"Bakugo told me what happened to you today. I'm so sorry [Y/n]."


You melted into her embrace feeling comfortable and safe.

You looked behind Mina and saw Bakugo standing there looking at you and Mina.

"Oh and sorry for breaking into your was Bakugo's idea-"


"Okay okay sheesh- it was mine after he told me what happened. I thought you needed someone to comfort you and so here I am!"

Bakugo rolled his eyes as he plopped himself onto your couch while Mina grabbed your hand and took you upstairs questioning where your room was.


"Thank you..Mina."

She grabbed your head having you to lean on her shoulder.

"Sleep [Y/n]. You'll need it for tomorrow BECAUSE! Girl we're going shopping!"

And to try and have you forget whatever happened to you today.

Mina thought.

You felt more comfortable then before. More relaxed. A few minutes had passed by and you eventually fell asleep on Mina's shoulder.

She placed you down onto the bed covering your body with your blanket as she went beside you and snuggled in. During that night, you slept peacefully together with Mina.


Bakugo who stayed downstairs wandered around your home taking everything in.

Pleasure rushed through his veins as he traced your framed photos. He stared at a picture showing you with your brightest smile.


He wandered around a little more taking small items shoving them into his pocket as he took quick pictures of your home.

He quietly walked up the stairs and silently opened your bedroom door revealing you and Mina sleeping on your bed.

Light snores came from Mina as he saw you and Mina snuggling in.

He took his phone out and took multiple pictures of your sleeping form cropping Mina out of the picture as he caressed the taken photo.

After about three minutes, he left your room going back downstairs plopping himself back onto the couch closing his eyes being taken away to lala land.


"Bakugo would never..."

Mina who became wide awake sat up and stared down at you who was still soundly asleep.

She felt the urge to run downstairs and confront him of his doing.

"Tomorrow..hopefully it was just my imagination.."

She laid back down scooting closer to you as she later on fell asleep.

Sorry for any misspelled words.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚢 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝙳𝚘𝚘𝚛Where stories live. Discover now