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•Third Person POV•

You lied on your bed thinking about how much fun you had with your new neighbors. But the name Bakugo never left your head.

"...Bakugo...fuck-..why can't I put my finger on it!"

Thinking about the name just made gave you a headache as you groaned in frustration. You later on your side grabbing your phone checking the time.

...Eleven twenty-nine...I should get some sleep for my interview tomorrow.

You thought as you quickly charged your phone turning away, adjusting your pillow, closing your eyes as you dreamt away.


•Next Day•

•Third Person POV•

Looking at the mirror, you smiled and practiced multiple times on what to say during your interview.

Looking if your clothes were alright, you nodded and continued on your merry way.


Locking your door, you heard your naming being called out. You turned around and saw Kirishima standing by your car giving you a wave as Mina stood beside him doing the same.

"Hey Kirishima, Hey Mina. What're you guys doing?"

You yelled, as Mina ran towards you giving you a big hug letting out a bright smile.

"Woah! Love the fit!"

Mina said, nudging you on the arm as a smirk appeared on her face. Kirishima came closer to you as he rubbed your head a little harshly.

You stood there shocked feeling your hair all over the place.

"Kirishima!...I- never mind. It was nice seeing you btoh but I need to go sorry. I'm in a hurry right now!"

You ran passed the two ignoring your messy hair heading inside your car.

The nauseous feeling you were getting kept building up inside having yourself to drop your car keys.


Finally grabbing your keys, you started your car and drove away.


"[L/n] [Y/n]. Correct?"

"Y-Yes...that is correct."

Get a grip [Y/n]! Just a little longer and it'll all be over.

"So, how did you hear about this position?"

Of course that flyer that's taped on that foul window...

"A friend had told me about it just the other day."

She sat there looking at you tapping the end of the pen.

"Is that it?"

You smiled through your pain as you felt yourself slowly dying inside.

Is there anything else for me to say?! Just give me the job!

"Y-Yes. I know that u am fit for this position. I can also provide proof that I have taken culinary classes as well as taking an ASL class to communicate with others who might have trouble communicating with your employees."

You stared her in the eyes and saw a glint of amusement.

"That won't be necessary. Be her by six thirty in the morning. I'll assign a worker to help you familiarize things around here."

"Thank you."

You both stood up shaking hands as you left the café in glee. You ran to your car getting inside and drove away.

Sorry for any misspelled words.

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