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•Third Person POV•

As Bakugo leaned back resting his head on the palm of his hand, he closed his eyes feeling himself at peace.

That was until he felt a the seat next to him sink a little.

"Mina I fucking told you to sit your ass next to-"

When turning away from his side of the window, he was now faced to face with none other than you.

"Sorry I didn't know you hated-"

"Whatever, it's fine."

Bakugo felt his heart beating faster and faster.

You were so close that Bakugo was starting to get a clear smell of your scent.

She smells so fucking good...shit...

He clenched his fist shutting his eyes tightly looking away.

His fingers were yearning to touch you. Even if it was only for a little bit.

He wanted to feel those luscious lips of yours again.

His head was yet again filled with you.

Memories from back then.

His imaginations were soon running wild.

Damn it all. Fucking hell....

He clenched his fists trying to control himself.

You who continued on with your conversation with Mina and Kirishima ignored Bakugo.


"Thank you again."

"No problem. You should come over my place and we can do a sleepover!"

You chuckled at the thought of it and agreed to Mina's comment.

You entered inside your home kicking off your shoes going straight to your couch.

Bakugo sure is weird...

Your eyelids started to get heavy and before you knew it, you were already asleep.


•Time: 12:58 AM•

Her lights are still on and her door was left unlocked. Made it easier for me to get in.

He walked around your home silently trying his best not to wake you up.

When he reached your sleeping body, he kneeled down beside you and stared at your sleeping face taking in your beauty. [shut it your beautiful🤾‍♀️]

He carefully caressed your face as he leaned in lightly kissing your collarbone up to your jaw.


He whispered, gliding his hands down to your palm entangling his fingers together with yours.

Never again.

"You're not getting away from me again."

"Even if I have to kill you to keep you by my side."

Sorry for any misspelled words.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚢 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝙳𝚘𝚘𝚛Where stories live. Discover now