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•Third Person POV•

"Damn-...this took longer than I thought it would.."

As you finished putting the last plate in the cabinet, you hurriedly made your way to your couch collasping feeling warmth taking over.


You closed your eyes only to shot it open in shock.

"The neighbors!..."


Knocking on the door, a middle aged woman appeared in front of you slowly opening it to see who was the unknown person was.

Bursting out a quick greeting, the woman was surprised suddenly having to jump away.

"Ah- sorry, I'm new in the neighborhood so I decided to greet my neighbors. My name is [L/n] [Y/n], nice to meet you."

After going from one house to the other, there was one more house to greet.

"Woah, this person's house is really nice..."

You took your steps towards their porch arriving in front of their doorstep.

Somehow, you felt scared and nervous.

More than before.

"I got this...I got this...just one more then food here I come!"

You inhaled some deep breaths before knocking on the door. After calming yourself, a click was heard from the door making you look up.


A man with red hair that reached his shoulders, popped up with a confused face.

"Woah!...Hey Bakugo! A cutie is at the door! What should I do with her?"

He yelled tilting his head back as his eyes were glued upon your [tall/small] form.

A smirk formed upon his lips as his arm rested on the doorframe letting his body lean on it giving you a sly smirk.

"So, what's a cutie like you comin' around our area?"

You stood there slightly confused as well as being off guarded seeing how unbelievably handsome the man was.

"You see, I'm new here and I was greeting my neighbors. Nice to meet you Mr?"

"The name's Eijiro Kirishima. Kirishima's fine, skip the formalities."

"I see. Well, I'll get going then. I hope I didn't interrupt anything serious that was going on."

Yet again, his sly smirk only grew bigger.

"No worries pebble~ I'll tell the great news to my buddy."

You nodded and turned around being on your merry way being happy about finally shoving food into your mouth after a long day.

I can finally eat my food in peace. After all that cleaning and arranging, I can finally rest for a few days.


"Hey Bakugo!- oh Mina's here. Anyways, guess what."

Bakugo who let out a small 'Tch' growled lowly and scoffed glaring at Kirishima.

"What the fuck is it now."

"Calm down, I was just going to tell you that you have a new neighbor. And damn is she hot!"

The girl who was named Mina, jumped up from the cushioned chair in glee. Her soft luscious melanin skin shining from the sun as her pink hair bounced in rhythm of her jumping from enlightenment.

"YES! FINALLY A GIRL I CAN FINALLY TALK TO FOR ONCE! So tired of these old geezers. Too cranky."

Mina dashed towards Kirishima and begged him to go with her to meet Bakugo's new neighbor being curious on how she looks like.

"C'mon Kirishima! You to Bakugo!"

"Tch, I don't have the slightest interest in meeting any new neighbors of mine. You and shit face can go, my ass is staying here."

The two looked at him and shrugged leaving towards your home leaving the angry man alone.

Sorry for any misspelled words.

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