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•Third Person POV•

•Next Day•

You couldn't stop shaking.

Your fingers trembled as [R/n] was beside you trying to comfort you seeing how shaken you were when you first stepped foot in the cafe.

They couldn't get anything out of you.

"[Y/n] everything will be alright. How about you stay at my place until you feel comfortable going back to your home?"

They said.

You averted your gaze from the floor and onto [R/n] who had a genuine smile on their face.

Taking in a few deep breaths in, you dusted yourself off and went behind the counter with [R/n] following behind.

"Let's get back to work before we get in trouble. And thank you [R/n]."

You chuckled out.

"I'll take that as a yes then."

They replied.

The bell rang and customers came in as you got your notepad ready. Behind those customers, Bakugo had caught your eyes.

There was a strange feeling you felt inside of you. You could feel your insides turning and your palms becoming sweaty.

His eyes met yours but you quickly looked away meeting eyes with your first customer.

You put on a smile and wrote down their orders as you could feel the burning stares of Bakugo Katsuki. His eyes never left your figure causing you to feel uncomfortable every seconds that passed by.

"That's all thank you."

The customer said as you placed the order down and went to the kitchen getting the customer's order ready.

Few minutes passed and you were out delivering it to the customer. When making small talk with the customer, you could feel it again.

The burning sensation you wanted to get rid of that was all caused by that man.

You walked back behind the counter waiting for more orders to come in while thinking if agreeing to go out with Bakugo was a mistake.

I want to go home...


You helped [R/n] close up the cafe before leaving with them.

The once light blue sky became dark as the sun was replaced by the moon.

Streetlights were on and barely any cars passed by.

"Thanks again [Y/n]. Let's head in the car and leave I'm tired."

They grabbed your wrist and practically dragged you towards the car.

Before you could enter, a familiar voice had called you out from behind.

"Oi, who the hell is that."

You turned around meeting eyes with Bakugo like before hesitating to answer. The rush of discomfort took over you while trying to find the handle of the car.

Why the fuck am I feeling this way? It's Bakugo everything should be fine. So why-...why do I always feel uncomfortable around him.

You questioned yourself over and over again having [R/n] to snap you back to reality.

"I'm [R/n]. She's staying at my place. Who are you?"

They asked.

Bakugo clenched his fists not liking the sight of you two together. Staying at someone else's place? That place should be his.

He walked towards you grabbing you by the wrist walking away from [R/n]'s vehicle.

"She's coming with me. She doesn't need to stay at a strangers place."

"Hey Bakugo, let go of me."

You tried getting his hand off of your wrist but nothing worked. His grip on you was too firm.

[R/n] ran behind you trying to reason with Bakugo. Instead of agreeing to their terms, he continued walking as if [R/n] was nothing but an annoying pest.

You forcefully yanked your arm away from his grasp.

"I said to let go of me Bakugo."

He stared at you in disbelief.

"Why do you want to stay at their place?! Is it that you don't like me anymore?! [Y/n] we just started dating! Why the hell are you leaving me already-"

You interrupted him as you closed your eyes in annoyance.

"Stop. I'm going to stay at [R/n]'s place for awhile. I'm not breaking up with you stop jumping to conclusions."

"Then what's the reason for staying at their place! Why not mine!"

Bakugo kept yelling out his words causing a scene. People around you murmured and stared curious as to what was happening.

"Lower your voice Bakugo. I don't feel safe in our area. It's just for a while and I'll be back. I'll keep in touch with you. I'm too tired to argue with you right now."

Bakugo stayed silent as he was built up with anger. He didn't want to yell any louder and cause you to rethink about your relationship with him.

You quickly hugged him wanting to calm him down as you bid goodbye and left to [R/n]'s vehicle. [R/n] ran beside you as they stared back at Bakugo.

A small smirk crept up their lips which had caught Bakugo's attention as they mouthed the words 'failure'.

Fucking bastard. If it wasn't for [Y/n] I would've wrung the living shit out of you.

Once you both had left, Bakugo entered his car following behind making sure not to lose you both until all of a sudden he had stopped.

"She's-...She's out of the house.."

He gripped his wheel and turned around heading back to your home breaking in.

Just like before, he took things that had belonged to you. Things you've touched and used.

Excitement rushed in him.

He ran out your house and into his grabbing his 'present' he was going to give you. It was the perfect present for both you and him.

As he ran back inside your home, he placed the small stuffed animal inside your room making sure it was hidden.

"What a nice gift I got for you [Y/n]~"

He continued on adoring your framed pictures until a thought had slipped into his mind. It was one that didn't really make sense. One that kept him curious.

"The fuck is she acting so new to me for. Surely she resented me back then. So why.."

Sorry for any misspelled words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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