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•Third Person POV•

Bakugo sat there sipping his cup of water staring at both you and Kirishima as Mina sat beside him talking.

He felt a burning feeling in his chest.

He had to calm himself down.

While you and Kirishima sat there talking to Mina, your eyes had caught Bakugo staring at you. You gave him a small smile and went back to talking.

•A Few Minutes Later•

A little while after, you four had left the place.

You walked together with Mina chatting about the delicious pastries you all had eaten while Bakugo and Kirishima walked behind you two.

No conversation was made until Kirishima decided to speak up.

"Hey Bakugo, I gotta tell you something.."

Bakugo kept walking ahead as he was all ears knowing what Kirishima was going to bring up.


Bakugo said.

"About [Y/n], I think I kind"

Kirishima had all of a sudden stopped walking looking at Bakugo who had also stopped just a few inches up ahead of him.

Silence fell between the two as the sound of others were heard around them.

Bakugo's burning feeling in his chest grew and grew. A small smirk had shortly crept up his face as he stared at the red head.

"I like her to."


After a long day of being out, Mina and Kirishima had gone home while both you and Bakugo walked home together.

Bakugo kept thinking about his conversation with Kirishima. Especially the promise they both made to each other.

"Looks like we're here. I'll get going the-"

"No wait."

You had stopped in your tracks before heading inside as you looked at Bakugo standing there in silence.

You were confused.

"What is it?"

You asked.

Bakugo was hesitant until he had blurted out what he had been wanting to say the whole day.


You were taken aback by the sudden question.

More like a command.


"Forget it!"

He yelled as he turned away from you heading towards him home until he was suddenly stopped by you.

You chuckled leaving Bakugo confused and outraged.

"Yes. We could give it a try."

You said, as you smiled giving him a small hug heading inside your home.


He did it.

I did it.

He thought.

He entered his room as he headed to his closet twisting the doorknob to open.

He slowly walked in as he stared at the countless pictures that were plastered on his wall. Clothes that were hung by the pictures.

A faint [favorite scent] like scent that would soon disappear.

He grasped onto what had looked like a school uniform as he took a whiff of the scent leaving him in awe and satisfaction.

He looked at the pictures around the small room and admired each and every one of them as he caressed the one that was plastered beside him.

"I love you so much [Y/n]."

Sorry for any misspelled words.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚢 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝙳𝚘𝚘𝚛Where stories live. Discover now