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•Third Person POV•

You arrived home and had plopped yourself on the cushioned chair letting out a small short squeal of excitement.

A knock was then suddenly heard.

You walked towards the door and opened it seeing Mina and Kirishima along with four others.

One of them being Bakugo.

"Oh- come inside."

You hurriedly let them inside telling them to sit as you went to the kitchen grabbing them some refreshments.

You heard them talk until you came back with a tray of refreshments for them and spoke out.

"So what're you guys doing here?"

After putting the tray down on the coffee table, you sat down beside Kirishima and snatched the hat off his head hearing his little pout.

You giggled and shortly after apologized.

When giving the hat back to Kirishima, you felt as if someone was staring daggers at you.

You looked around until your eyes met Bakugo's.

Soon after your eyes made contact, he quickly looked away leaning back as he opened his water bottle.


You opened your mouth calling for Bakugo until Mina talked over you.

"[Y/n] meet Jirou, Denki, and Sero."

You all gave out a little wave exchanging smiles.

"Now that you've met the gang, how about we play a game?"

A cunning smirk appeared on Mina's face as she looked around the room giggling.

"A game?..."

You asked with curiosity.

Bakugo who sat across from you lowly growled and gave out a 'tch'.

He couldn't keep his eyes off of you. The way you smiled at Kirishima made his blood boil. He didn't know why it did.

To even think he was over you, only to find out that his feelings still remained til this day.

But his feelings for you were somewhat different than the feeling he had when you both were a thing back in highschool.

It was more stronger.

He craved for you.

His fingers itched in wanting to touch your satiny skin.

The day you entered his home unannounced, you were stuck in his head for so long that he was close to losing it.


He thought as clenched his fists in anger seeing you close to Kirishima.

Too close.

Sorry for any misspelled words.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚢 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝙳𝚘𝚘𝚛Where stories live. Discover now