chapter 12

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As y/n exited her classroom leaving Jungkook she found Taehyung waiting for her outside. 

"So let's go " He said smiling while holding her hand . The contact gave y/n a uncomfortable vibe but then she shrugged it off and walked with him. 

"Where are we going ? " She asked trying to reduce the awkwardness. "My house ?" Y/n just nodded and keptn walking.  

After walking for a while they finally reached Taehyung's house. Y/n placed her bag on the couch and sat beside it.

 "what would you like to have?" Taehyung asked walking towards his kitchen "water?" Taehyung nodded and pour two glass of water and sat on the couch opposite of her. 

"here" he said passing a glass of water to her. Y/n took a sip of water "wanna watch a movie?" Taehyung asked . Y/n shook her head as no making Taehyung frown his eyebrows. 

"We need to talk " she said tightening  the griping on the glass of water and taking another sip. "about what?" -(Tae)

"our relation ship " -(y/n)

"It's not working taehyung ... I like someone else..." Y/n looked up to see Taehyung reaction as there was silence . She thought he would be surprise or in shock but it was the total opposite. It was an expression like 'yeah so what?' 

not knowing what to do of the silence y/n decided to break it " Let's breakup" again there was silence. Y/n just released a deep breath and stood up. " Look taehyung you deserve a person who loves u and I can't be that person as I love someone else already" 

Y/n started making her way towards the exit deciding to leave but as she was about to open the door her feet felt numb and she felt down. "agh..what is it?" 

"so it finally showed it's effect huh?" she heard a voice behind her. She turned around to find a smirking taehyung coming towards her. 

"what did you do to my feet?" y/n asked touching her feet which had no sense of touch or life. "I just drugged them as I can't take the chance of u going away from me to that Jungkook" he said bending and picking y/n up. 

"let me go" Y/n struggled to get out of his hold but it didn't work with her motionless feet. "y/n y/n y/n , stop struggling I won't ever let you go , u are mine and mine only , you got that ?" he said sweetly but making a scary face. 

"where are you taking me ?" she asked with tears falling down her cheeks one by one. "for now to my room then tomorrow we are going fly to other side of this world were it will only be you and me no jungkook " he said opening the door of his room. 

taehyung entered his room with Y/n in his arms . When y/n looked around the walls of his room were filled with all of her pic. 

"Please let me go Taehyung" y/n sobbed . taehyung just smiled and wiped the tears "don't cry my love , I will treat you right , if only you would love me and not run away from me I would have freed you " 

"I - I am thirsty .." Y/n said gulping . taheyung frowned but went to bring water. 



That's all for this chapter
I hope you like and enjoyed it as much as I enjoy writing it !!

gehe what's your opinion on this fan friction ? pls mention in the comment section

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purple heart everyone of u !! I will take my leave now
bug out !!

Words : 645

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