chapter 9

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Y/n was standing in front of the mirror thinking which of the cloth to wear. [ hey y/n .. I am almost about to reach your house , are u ready yet?] 

a message popped at her phone she quickly texted [ plz wait a min , I will be out asap] and she quickly grabbed the first dress without thinking twice. 

after applying her lip gloss she grabbed her  white side bag and ran down towards the exit

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after applying her lip gloss she grabbed her  white side bag and ran down towards the exit. She quickly opened her door.

 " sorry for making you wait"    she apologized. "it's not a big deal look beautiful .." he said making her blush . " thank you kook" 


"bye kookie " Y/n waved at jungkook who was walking away from her. 

He turned around staring at y/n "what?" she asked tilting her head " let's hang out tomorrow after school " He paused letting y/n decide but when he did get any answer from her he began again .

" I ain't hearing a no " He said walking way without any other words. Y/n blushed for some reasons and got inside her house. 

Flashback Ends~

"so where are we going ?" Y/n asked him as they were just walking silently and it was getting awkward. 

"you will know" he said smiling at a pouting y/n "can't you just tell me " she whined making jungkook giggle at her cuteness. 

After a while of walking they reached their destination which was the same cherry blossom park he took y/n before. 

Y/n looked up at Jungkook to say something but didn't when she found him smiling while staring at the corner bench of the park. 

"what are u smiling ?" she asked getting curious. He looked down at her smiling "it's my fav place you know as I have many good memories here " He said staring at that bench again. 

"like?" y/n asked staring at that bench too.  "like...." 

"When I was a child , I used to come here with my parents , it was a happy moment" he said smiling making y/n smile too while thinking of it.  

"And also have brought my first love here, even if it wasn't a success , the memories were gold" he said smiling , staring at the same bench . Y/n's smile turned into a frown after hearing that 'first love'.  

"your first love?" she asked getting a bit curious while her heart was paining for some reasons. Jungkook smiled walking causing y/n to follow him " she was my father's friends daughter and we used to come here and play and eventually I fell in love with her." 

"this all happened when I was very young ig I was in kindergarten" He paused walking towards the bench with Y/n following him " and in the med school I got the confidence of confessing to her as I thought I had a chance" He said looking down remembering the event. 

"hey kook you don't need to tell me if u don't want to " Y/n assured him holding his right hand and smiling generously. " ahh it's alright y/n , you are my closest friend you deserve to know it " 

" so I texted her to come here after school as I needed to confess and she said she has something to tell me too " He paused and took a sit on the bench where he had many sparking memories "and?" y/n asked impatiently sitting beside him. 

"and that day when we reached there " 


"jungkook ahhh~" she called me and gave her charming smile "ahh pigo !" Jungkook siad teasing her "yahh!!" she pouted and sat in the bench " why would u text?" she asked looking at him 

"I well I needed to tell you something" He said feeling kinda nervous "well I too have to tell u something " she said spiriting up "what is it ?" he asked as his heart was beating rapidly "well" she began. 

" tell me yours first " Jungkook shook his head "nope ladies first"she giggled at the statement "okay then" 

" Jungkookie I have a boyfriend now " she said showing her brightest smile but jungkook's smile disappeared completely "w-who?" 

End of flashback~ 

"so yeah" he said smiling at y/n who had a sad smile " I am sorry ..." she said " hey it's okay y/n . It's not your fault " 

"And I believe it was for the best " he added . " I guess , I hope u find the best women in this world cuz you deserve it !!" she said smiling at him and he returned the smile.   

"hey let's go and eat  tteokbokki over there !!" he said pulling her while pointing at the stall while y/n just smiled and let him pull her. 

"what can I get for you couples " the ajumma asked us making me blush " no no we aren't couples yet " jungkook replied but what got y/n's attention was that yet.. "oh" that ajumma gave them a smirking look and prepared their tteokbokki. 

"here y/n eat this" jungkook said feeding y/n ." omo! it's so spicy" y/n fanned her mouth trying to get the spicy sensation out of her mouth. Jungkook just giggle and passed her a bottle of water . 

The rest of their day was spended walking around near the cherry blossom tree and talking. They were having a great time but they didn't knew someone was watching them closely with a not so happy expression.



This chapter is already this long so
I removed the spoilers , Hope you don't mind that gehe! 

That's all for this chapter
I hope you like and enjoyed it as much as I enjoy writing it !!

Thank you to reading this chapter
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purple heart everyone of u !! I will take my leave now
bug out !!

words : 1037

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