chapter 5

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With Jungkook~ 

"agrrr.." He ruffled his hair as he laid down on his bed thinking about what happened between y/n and him after school. 


Jungkook was waiting for y/n in front of the school gate. His lips lifted up as he saw her coming from the hallway. 

But his heart ached when he saw taehyung approaching her leaving a kiss on her cheek. She smiled to him and they started coming towards the exit. 

Y/n and Taehyung were about to exit the school when Jungkook called y/n and stopped her. 

"hey y/n ...remember we have to talk ?" Jungkook said y/n turned back and looked at jungkook and then at taehyung. 

"I will meet u at ur house 'baby'" Taehyung said emphasising the world baby  and left kissing y/n's forehead. 

Jungkook immediately pulled y/n with him to his fav place which was cherry blossom park. He looked at y/n who was mesmerized by the scenario. 

"Y/n listen , that day we had a misunderstanding ..." Y/n looked at jungkook frowning her eyebrows.   

"and u think I will believe you ?? I trusted you jungkook , I thought we would make a plan and solve it together ... But u were on tzuyu's side as you loved her ...and hated me " she paused and glared at Jungkook with teary eyes trying hard not to cry.

Jungkook tried hugging her to calm her down "why jungkook why ? what did I do to get this ?" Y/n said while hitting his chest. 

"I am sorry y/n.. I should have told you about it " Jungkook said whereas y/n pulled back from the hug " Jungkook let's treat each other like strangers from now one " 

Saying that y/n left the park , leaving behind a jungkook who's heart ached and tears wanting to roll of his cheeks. 

End of flashback~ 

"why doesn't she know , what actually happened ??" Jungkook asked as he remembered his and Taehyung's words. 

"I thought she heard half of your conversation and ran away but don't worry ..I will talk with her...I even need to tell her something" 

'didn't he talk about it with her ??' Jungkook thought fnowning cuz y/n was his good friend more like his crush and he didn't wanted to lose her ...never ...what he feared the most was losing that innocent , sweet girl. 

He remember what happened when they were at the restaurant and chucked a little .. 

"I have to go somewhere it's an emergency" they both said it at the same time. 

He scrolled through his phone to find taehyung's number . He quickly pressed the call button as his patients were at the edge . He feared losing y/n. 

OTP : 

Taehyung : Hello ? 

Jungkook : hyung , it's me jungkook 

taehyung : ahh, jungkookie what's the matter , why are you calling at night ?

jungkook : hyung ..about y/n .. did you tell her what actually happened that day ??

Taehyung : actually I was about to ..but thought it would be better if u tell her yourself.. 

Jungkook : ahh .. I understand 

taehyung : and kook I have a great new { smirking at the line} 

Jungkook : you both are together ?? { his heart ached saying that} 

Taehyung : yeah , how did you know ? { still smirking} 

Jungkook : just guessed it ... Hyung I gtg now ..sorry hyung I will talk to  later. 

-hangs up-

Jungkook threw his phone at the chair near his bed and laid down on his bed trying to get of the conversation out of his head. 

With taehyung 

Hangs up his phone and his smiley face soon turned into a  cold one . "I can't let y/n know the truth " He stood up and went to his bathroom. He runned the shower and stood under it as a plan popped in his head. 



That's all for this chapter
I hope you like and enjoyed it as much as I enjoy writing it !!

Thank you to reading this chapter
shower this chapter with comments and votes if u think it deserves it

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instagram id: An_shu501

purple heart everyone of u !! I will take my leave now
bug out !!


first spoiler , first take :
"hey y/n ...remember we have to talk ?" Jungkook said
Y/n : do we have too ? A/n??
A/n : do u have to ?? I can't remember ..
Jungkook : for God sake !! Remember the scene at class while sharing my book 
A/n & y/n : oh yess..
Jungkook : you guys should eat almonds (said with a pout) 

second spoiler , first take :
"Y/n listen , that day we had a misunderstanding ..." Y/n looked at jungkook frowning her eyebrows 
Jungkook : standing under miss !!
y/n : what ??
jungkook : no no understanding miss !! 
jungkook : yeh yeh whatever 

third spoiler , first take :
Jungkook tried throwing his phone at the couch but it ends up falling down at the cold floor.
Jungkook : MY PRECIOUS PHONE !! ( he cried as he saw his scratched phone screen)A/N YOU ARE BUYING ME A NEW ONE !
A/n : excuse me ? I am broke and it's ur fault man !! 

fourth spoiler, first take :
 He stood up and went to his bathroom. He runned the shower and stood under it
Taehyung : COLD !!! ( he said jumping around) 
Jungkook & A/n : You thought it would give u hot steamy water ? 
Jungkook : we share our last brain cells (high fives each other)  

words : 946 

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