chapter 13

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Jungkook rested his hands on his lap breathing heavily because of the running. After few seconds he walked towards Taehyung's door to open it but was stopped by Momo pulling his arm. 

"What the hell Momo?" He said angrily yanking his arms away. " Do u have common sense kook ? If we enter like that he can harm us and even y/n .. have you forgotten he is a psycho!"  Momo reminded Jungkook about the situation. 

"I am sorry I was just .... I can't let taehyung harm y/n" he said looking at the ground. "I understand ... kook for now we have to peek through the window to know what they are doing.  

After watching the whole scene between Y/n and Taheyung , Jungkook and Momo made a plan. "Alright Momo let's get it " He said raising his fist high for the spirit. Momo nodded and ran somewhere. Jungkook released a deep breath 'I am coming y/n.' 

He silently opened Taheyung's door 'Thanks to heaven it isn't locked' he thought and started walking upstairs towards Taehyung's room. He peeked inside Taehyung's room . 

He found a crying  Y/n on the bed while taehyung was siting beside her playing with her hair while talking about his love for her and how they are going to leave tomorrow.'This bitch made my y/n cry ...I will make you pay for it' he said fisting his hand. 

He waved his hands in the air trying to get y/n's attention. After a while of waving his hands Y/n finally saw him. She froze as she wasn't accepting to see him. 

Jungkook blinked his eyes nodding his head in the sign nothing  was wrong and he would get them out of here. He quickly hid behind the door and mouthed y/n to send Taehyung away from this room which y/n understood. 

After taehyung was gone to fetch water he quickly moved himself beside the bed. "Jungkook.." Y/n murmured sobbing. "y/nie don't cry everything is gonna be alright don't worry I am here with you " he said holding her hands. Y/n nodded wiping her tears. 

"let's get out of here " Jungkook said trying to pick y/n up. "My wifeee~ I am here " They looked at each other with their eyes wide open as they heard Taehyung's voice. 

"Jungkook lay me down and hide somewhere fast " Y/n ordered panicking. 


"babe~" Taehyung sang as he entered his room with the glass of water in his hands. "missed me" he said coming towards y/n . Y/n just smiled bitterly knowing she can't do anything or she could get herself and Jungkook in trouble. 

She tried standing up to get the water "eh.. let me help you my love ... " Taehyung said helping her to lay her back on the headboard. 

Jungkook was hiding under Taehyung's bed listening to everything. " here is your water." he said handling her water . She took a sip as she wasn't thirsty. 

"My love you know it's my dream to take care of you like this ... " He said sitting on the bed. " If only you would love me and not that Jungkook I would haven't drugged u and you would be able to walk" 

'she loves me?' Jungkook thought blushing . 

'He is here , He can listening to everything . Now he knows I like him' Y/n was red because of embarrassment. 

"Y/n my love you are red , Do you have a fever ?" Taehyung asked placing his hand on her forehead. 

'Oh god , can this get any more awkward' She thought frowning. "No ...I guess it's the side effect of that drug on me" She said in a low tone because of embarrassment where as Jungkook was covering his mouth trying hard enough to not let out any noise of laughter as he was dying because of laughter.  

"Oh ... I am sorry my love ... I can cure it tho " He said making y/n frown her eyebrow on the statement . 

"How ?" She asked with a hope of getting a antidote for this drug. 

"My kiss" He said pouting while placing his index finger on his lips. 

'WHAT NO WAY' y/n and Jungkook's eyes widen open not wanting that.



That's all for this chapter
I hope you like and enjoyed it as much as I enjoy writing it !!

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purple heart everyone of u !! I will take my leave now
bug out !!

Words : 790

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